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Catholic Sisters launch billboard campaign for immigration reform December 22nd, 2011

Ten communities of Catholic Sisters based in the Upper Mississippi River Valley have launched a public awareness campaign called: “Welcoming Communities.” The campaign is to insure that delegates to the Iowa caucuses, potential candidates and voters remember the critical issue of comprehensive immigration reform. The campaign is calling also the White House and U.S. Congress to work together to enact immigration reform.

The billboards with the message, “I was a stranger an immigrant and you welcomed me” are being posted on December 12 and will remain up through early January 2012. The message, based on the words of Jesus, is taken from the Gospel of Matthew.

“We declare ourselves ‘Welcoming Communities’ in affirmation of our Catholic tradition that holds sacred the dignity of each person,” the Sisters said in their statement, “and we invite other communities and people of faith to join us in becoming ‘Immigrant Welcoming Communities’ through prayer, reflection, education and action.”

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Welcoming Christ in the Migrant: National Migration Week 2012 to be Celebrated January 8-14 December 12th, 2011

National Migration Week will be observed in dioceses around the country January 8-14. This year’s theme, “Welcoming Christ in the Migrant,” and the artistic renderings in the week’s materials depict the disciples welcoming a stranger on the road to Emmaus.

“Just as on the road to Emmaus, Christ’s disciples met him in the guise of a stranger, this year’s theme helps remind us that Christ makes himself present to each of us in the lonesome traveler, the newcomer, and the migrant,” said Archbishop José Gomez of Los Angeles. “We are called to open our hearts and provide hospitality to those in need, especially for migrants who find themselves far away from home and in vulnerable situations.” Archbishop Gomez is the chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee on Migration.

Resources for National Migration Week can be found on the USCCB website. Posters, prayer cards and booklets can be ordered through the USCCB publishing service or by calling 800-235-8722.

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DREAM Act Immigration Sabbath August 12th, 2011

Communities of faith around the United States, interested in continuing to build support for undocumented immigrant students, are hosting DREAM Act Sabbath 2011, from September 16 to October 9. DREAM ACT Sabbath was launched by dozen religious leaders and Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Michael Bennet (D-CO). The United States Catholic Bishops Conference’s program, Justice for Immigrants, has just announced a PRAY FOR THE DREAM weekend to celebrate DREAM ACT 2011 Sabbath.

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California Dream Act Signed into Law August 8th, 2011

California Governor Jerry Brown signed into law the California Dream Act (AB 130) on July 25th. This measure allows undocumented immigrant students who have graduated high school to use private grants to go to college.

The Governor is now considering a more controversial companion bill, AB 131, which would give undocumented students access to public grants as well. The Catholic Church supports the federal version of the Dream Act, which also offers a path to citizenship for undocumented students, saying it is consistent with Catholic social doctrine that is based on the dignity of each human.

It’s a small step for a big goal: the chance for a bright future for undocumented students.

Thanks to the faith communities and community leaders who made this victory possible.



Churches Sue to Block State Immigration Law Enforcement August 2nd, 2011


In this June 25, 2011 photo, marchers leave a park in Birmingham, Alabama, during a protest against the state's new law cracking down on undocumented immigration. (AP photo)

Leaders of the Roman Catholic, Episcopal and Methodist churches of Alabama filed suit in federal court on August 1st to stop the enforcement of Alabama’s new Anti-Immigration Law because it prevents the free exercise of religion. The bishops called the new law “the nation’s most merciless anti-immigration legislation.”

Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi, of the Mobile Archdiocese of the Roman Catholic Church in Alabama, Bishop Robert J. Baker, of the Birmingham Diocese of the Roman Catholic Church in Alabama, Bishop Henry N. Parsley, Jr., of the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Alabama and Bishop William H. Willimon, of the North Alabama Conference of the United Methodist Church have joined together as plaintiffs in the federal lawsuit. Some 338,000 Alabama residents are members of Roman Catholic, Episcopal and Methodist churches in the state.

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