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Reflection on June’s Laudato Si Field Trip With OMI Novices July 8th, 2024

By Sr. Maxine Pohlman, SSND

One of the important themes running throughout the encyclical is interconnectedness. In paragraph 92 we read, “We can hardly consider ourselves to be fully loving if we disregard any aspect of reality: ‘Peace, justice and the preservation of creation are three absolutely interconnected themes, which cannot be separated and treated individually without once again falling into reductionism. ‘”

In order to explore this theme, it seemed fitting to have a virtual visit with Seamus Finn, OMI, who has been Director of the Office of Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation (JPIC) for the U.S. Province for many years.

During our conversation with him, Father Seamus connected us with Oblate history that gave flesh to the JPIC Office and its many years of ministry for the US Province. He showed us how the Office works on the level where laws are made in order not only to shed the light of the Gospel on world issues, but also to have an impact!

We learned that in 1992 the phrase integrity of creation was first used in the Oblate world along with the idea of ecological vocation and the encouragement to care for the environment. From that time onward, the integrity of creation became part of OMI missionary life and ministry.

Father Seamus’ broad-ranging knowledge of finance, justice, and ecology, along with his experience of visiting many countries around the world where OMI ministers, opened our eyes to the importance of sharing oneself on many levels, networking both locally and globally.

We felt grateful to have met this Oblate who has had a positive impact on our world!

JPIC attends Congress on the Oblate Charism in Context. July 2nd, 2015


Oblate Director Fr. Antonio Ponce OMI participated in the conference on Oblate Charism in Context in San Antonio, Texas where he presented to the global Oblate audience on the topic, “The charism in North America in the context of JPIC.” Also in attendance were other members of the Oblate JPIC committee; Fr. Jim Brobst OMI presented on “Arts in the Oblate call, ministry and evangelization.”

Other topics presented included topics on young Oblate life missionary, immigration, and ministry among indigenous people, ecumenism, inter-religious dialogue, vocations and urban parish ministry.

The three-day conference June 30 – July 3 took place at the same time in all the Regions of the Oblate Congregation, through internet (video Conferencing application) in eight places namely: San Antonio (USA); Mexico City (Mexico); Rome (Italy); Obra (Poland); Kinshasa (D.R. Congo); Johannesburg (South Africa); Colombo (Sri Lanka); and Manila (Philippines).

The primary objectives of the Congress on the Oblate Charism in Context was to listen on opportunities and challenges to the Oblate charism as it is being lived in different contexts, become more aware of the richness of Oblate life, ministry and explore the sense of belonging to one apostolic Oblate body. It was also an occasion to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Oblate founding.

In addition to the richness of the presentations at the confernce, this online global gathering for Oblates reveal how today’s interactive technology can enhance our Oblate ministry, collaboration, animation and governance. At the JPIC office,we have as a priority make use today’s technology and  social media to support  our JPIC ministry outreach.

Learn more information about Congress on the Oblate Charism in Context here.

Solar Cooker Sets Technology Trend at the OEI in Godfrey November 3rd, 2013

Solar Cooker in Godfrey

The JPIC Committee learned about the efficiencies of solar cooking after their semi-annual meeting in Godfrey last week.


Fr Antonio with solar cooker

Fr. Antonio points to the temperature gauge. This cooker gets hot quickly in the sun!



Northern Virginia Community Organization Develops $30 Million Redevelopment Fund October 1st, 2013

fd81abd254d7751c4d3d0b1efc49d95fVOICE, the northern Virginia community organization that has been addressing housing blight in the region, was highlighted in a Washington Post article recently. The organization has put together the $30 million “Prince William, VA Restoration Fund” from mortgage lenders responsible for a major foreclosure crisis in the area. The fund is designed to address neighborhood blight caused by the foreclosure & predatory loan crisis in town home communities like Georgetown South in Manassas, VA.  The Oblates have actively supported VOICE’s efforts to develop this community redevelopment fund through our activist shareholder connections.

Click here to read more »

Armand Matthew, OMI – Requiescat in Pace June 24th, 2013

It is with sadness that we announce the death of a dedicated priest and colleague in the JPIC work: Fr. Armand Matthew, OMI. Fr. Armand passed away on Saturday at the age of 90.

In a statement provided by the University of Texas at Brownsville, where Mathew helped launch the Center for Civic Engagement in 2001, UTB President Juliet V. Garcia said, “Padre dedicated his life to being an advocate for social justice and challenged each of us to join him in the battle against indifference. He was humble and of kind heart; he had unlimited courage and stamina. He loved without limit and condition and taught us to try to live a life that made a difference in the lives of others. He lent us his courage and expected us to do the same for others. He never gave up on a cause he believed in, nor would he let us give up either. Knowing him we have known an angel among us.”

In his memory, we would like to share this video made for his 90th birthday:


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