News Archives » justice for immigrants
National Migration Week 2014: Out of the Darkness December 20th, 2013
The Missionary Oblates JPIC Office will join the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and its Justice for Immigrants Campaign in celebrating National Migration Week, January 5-11.
The theme for the 2014 National MigrationWeek is “Out of Darkness”. This theme is an invitation to the faithful community to reflect and recommit in its support of migrants, especially the most vulnerable: the undocumented, refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking. These migrants are the most vulnerable and run the risk of violence and exploitation on the daily basis.
As part of the National Migration Week celebration, the USCCB Justice for Immigrants initiative will launch a postcard campaign, a national call-in day and a social media day. We encourage you and your local community to use the resources at the National Migration Week website at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Mass for Immigration Reform – Sunday, September 8 August 28th, 2013
Catholics and other people of faith are encouraged to pray and act in solidarity with migrants on Sunday, September 8. On that Sunday, Catholic bishops and priests from all major dioceses across the country will preach a coordinated message supporting immigration policy. The Mass for Immigration Reform action on September 8th is to urge Members of Congress to pass immigration reform legislation that includes a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.
Please make use of the following resources in your parish on September 8th:
- Homily Helps for August – Sept. 8 from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
- Bulletin Insert, Urging the U.S. House to Pass Bi-partisan Immigration Reform Legislation
- Intercessions to be used during the Mass for immigration reform.
More information available at
Support Just and Compassionate Immigration Reform May 9th, 2013
Call on Congress to Pass Just and Compassionate Immigration Reform!
Send the electronic postcard below to your U.S. Senators and Representatives and ask for passage of immigration reform legislation in the 113th Congress.
Simply click on the postcard below or this “Take Action” link to send the postcard.
Go to for more information.
After you have sent the postcard to your Washington, DC lawmakers, forward this message to your email contacts throughout the country and urge them to send the e-card to their U.S. Senators and Representatives. Thank you!
2012 Lenten Resource on Immigration February 17th, 2012

Lent 2012 begins on February 22. The Oblate JPIC initiative invites you to join us in prayer, reflection and fasting for refugees and immigrants around the world. This is an opportunity to deeper our faith understanding for the stranger and for parishes to pray for comprehensive immigration reform.
How you will take action in solidarity with immigrants during Lent? You can help Congress understand that people of faith care about the need for immigration reform. Join with others to sign pledge cards at Justice for Immigrants addressed to your Senators and Member of Congress asking them to support just and humane immigration policies.
The Oblate JPIC office also has new one-page resource materials on Immigration Reform and Human Trafficking. Oblates can contact our office by email or phone for copies of these reflection materials to be mailed to your community. Our contact information can be found in the About Us section of this website. They are also available for widespread use through the Resources section of this website.
May Day: Marching for Immigration Reform and Standing Against Arizona Law SB1070 April 27th, 2010
On May 1, people in communities all over the world will commemorate International Workers’ Day, also known as May Day. For Catholics, it is the feast of feast of St. Joseph the Worker which was established by Pope Pius XII in 1955, dedicated to honor the dignity of all workers and labor.
Tens of thousands of immigrants, faith leaders, labor groups, community business leaders and immigrant rights groups will once again hold major demonstrations from coast to coast in the US in support of comprehensive immigration reform. The US Catholic Bishops’ Justice for Immigrants program has dedicated the weekend of May 1-2 as a time of prayer for immigrants.
The theme for the May Day March and Rally is to demand action from Congress and the Obama Administration on the following:
- Immigration Reform legislation in 2010 for workers, families and youth,
- A stop to the deportations and family separations
- Protection of workers’ rights and good jobs for all
You can show your support by finding a local march in which to participate.
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