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Dr. Victor Carmona Pens Article on Mercy for Immigrants and Refugees August 10th, 2016

By Dr. Victor Carmona, OMI JPIC Committee Member

s200_victor.carmonaAs a Mexican American Catholic, I think asking whether the influx of immigrants and refugees is a threat or an opportunity is the wrong question; their presence is not merely a political, economic, cultural, or national security problem to be solved. Their presence among us is ultimately a reality that calls for mercy, not just for their sake but ours as well. Instead of those questions, many in our Hispanic communities are struggling with more basic ones, like how do we remain faithful and hopeful when so many of our country’s leaders toy with immigration issues for political gain. I have found some answers in unlikely places.

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Dr. Victor Carmona is professor of moral theology at Oblate School of Theology.  Before becoming a moral theologian, he served migrants and urban communities with the Mexican Catholic Conference of Bishops and the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. He is a current member of the Justice, Peace & Integrity of Creation Committee at Missionary Oblates – US Province.


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