News Archives » missiology
Oblates Demand Corporate Leaders Adopt Responsible Climate Change Practices April 7th, 2022
By Fr. Séamus P. Finn, OMI, Director of OMIUSAJPIC and OIP
One of the most important developments in missiology, (which I understand to mean “engagement” with the world), at the institutional/organizational level over the last 25 years, has been a consideration of how the vision and mission of different religious entities reflects and integrates the call of the Gospel, the Church’s tradition and the Charism of their founders in both their policies and operations. Put more concretely, “are these entities walking the talk” and how well aligned are their operations and marketing with the religious identity and name that they embrace.
For more than 40 years the Oblates of Mary Immaculate have asked this question and worked assiduously to find ways to integrate this approach into the management of any trusts, endowments or foundations for which they are responsible. For this purpose they have developed and continue to refine a Faith Consistent Investment policy to guide those responsible for managing these funds.
Read the full article at OMIUSA.ORG.