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Bill Introduced to Close Tax Loopholes, Raise Revenue and Keep Profits and Jobs in U.S. July 12th, 2011

Transfer pricing is a system whereby multinational corporations manipulate their internal prices to shift profits offshore, where they pay little or no tax.

In the midst of the current heated debate on the budget and associated deficit reduction, the introduction of a comprehensive bill to permanently close tax loopholes puts specific revenue-raising proposals on the table.

The Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act, introduced today by Senator Carl Levin (D-MI), would put new restrictions on the use of offshore tax havens to avoid and evade federal taxes. Some of the key provisions include taxing foreign corporations that do business primarily in the U.S., as domestic corporations, and requiring annual country-by-country reporting by SEC-registered corporations related to their employees, sales, purchases, financing arrangements, and taxes.

For a summary of the bill, click here.

Read Senator Levin’s press release for more information.

Click here to read more »

Seamus Finn, OMI and Faith Consistent Investing Profiled in the Huffington Post May 27th, 2010

Father-SeamusFr. Seamus Finn, Director of the Oblate JPIC Office, along with three other ICCR members, will soon appear on The Daily Show, highlighting their work on banking and financial sector reform. Read this fine profile on Fr. Seamus in the Huffington Post written by Katherine Marshall, Senior Fellow at the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs at Georgetown University: Mission Improbable: Priests on Wall Street.

Fr. George McLean, OMI Lauded in Article January 13th, 2010

George McLean“In 40 years of quiet work, Oblate Fr. George F. McLean has traveled the globe — China, India, Africa, Eastern Europe, Latin America — promoting intercultural dialogue and understanding on basic human and social issues among thinkers in scores of countries.” Thus begins a fascinating account of the life work of Fr. George McLean, OMI – written by Jerry Filteau,  Washington correspondent of the National Catholic Reporter.

In ending, Filteau says: “In today’s world of ideas, it’s truly hard to assess what impact any single person has had, but it’s at least arguable that McLean may have had more influence on world events over the past 40 years than many far more public figures of that era.”

Read the article…

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