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Oxfam Releases “Good Enough to Eat” Index January 22nd, 2014

Last week the global hunger and development organization Oxfam released their Good Enough to Eat index. This informative resource assesses food security, food quality, affordability, and dietary health across 125 countries.

Number 1? The Netherlands. Last Place? Chad.

We feature this item in the spirit of the Caritas call for “One Human Family, Food for All” and our own effort to better understand chronic world hunger.

Thanks to National Catholic Rural Life Conference for this information. Learn more about NCRL and subscribe to their e-newsletter

Understanding Fracking: Catholic News Service series January 6th, 2014

Hydraulic_Fracturing-Related_ActivitiesDennis Sadowski, staff writer for Catholic News Service, has completed a series of articles on hydraulic fracking from a faith-based perspective. “It was a complicated issue to examine,” he informed Catholic Rural Life. Nevertheless, Sadowski provides a clear overview of this controversial energy source while blending in environmental justice teachings of the Church.

The Oblate JPIC Office has been engaging oil and gas companies on social and environmental issues related to fracking.

The six articles of the Catholic News Service series can be found via links posted on the Catholic Rural Life website.

Thanks to National Catholic Rural Life for this information.

Pew Campaign on Human Health & Industrial Farming March 5th, 2013

banner_buttonsDoctors routinely instruct patients that antibiotics should be used only to treat bacterial infections, using the proper dosage, and for the full course of treatment. Otherwise, failure to follow these rules increases the likelihood that some of the bacteria will survive and mutate to become drug resistant.

Yet even if patients follow these medical instructions, they still may suffer from antibiotic-resistant infections. That is because many large producers of meat and poultry feed antibiotics to their healthy food animals to offset the effects of overcrowding and poor sanitation in CAFOs. Up to 70 percent of all antibiotics sold in the United States go to healthy food animals.

Visit the Pew Campaign site to learn more.

Thanks to National Catholic Rural Life Conference for this information. Get their monthly newsletter by visiting their website.

Lenten Rice Bowl and more from NCRLC January 17th, 2013

For the full e-newsletter from the National Catholic Rural Life Conference, click here…

CRS Lenten Rice Bowl webinar, Jan. 17

Each year during Lent, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) promotes their Lenten Rice Bowl campaign to raise funds and educates Catholic youth on international relieve and development work. Part of the education includes an examination of climate impacts on the work of CRS around the globe.

CRS will host a webinar on their Lenten Rice Bowl program Thursday afternoon, January 17. The webinar is designed to provide information on integrating Rice Bowl activities into a parish youth ministry program. Parish directors of religious education, youth ministers, youth ministry teams, catechists and other parish staff and volunteers are encouraged to join in the webinar.


2013 Farm Bill: Will Congress act this year?

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