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Sign the Petition to Walmart to Protect Seafarers April 15th, 2021

Seafarers Are Essential Workers! Sign this Petition to Protect them.


Each year, the Coalition of Catholic Organizations Against Human Trafficking (CCOAHT) launches a campaign to raise awareness of forced labor in the fishing industry. This year, due to the global pandemic, a new humanitarian crisis has emerged that is severely impacting all men and women who work at sea. CCOAHT – together with Stella Maris and the Apostleship of the Sea USA – are urging people of faith to leverage their voices as consumers to uphold the safety and labor rights of one of the world’s most invisible group of essential workers.

Sign the petition below urging Walmart, one of our largest retailers, to acknowledge their reliance on seafarers for the healthy functioning of their business model, and to show concern for seafarers’ wellbeing by signing the Neptune Declaration.
Read more about the petition at this link.

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