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President Obama’s Trip to Ghana: Opportunity for New U.S. Approach to Africa July 9th, 2009

africa_240_wide_webThe President of the United States, Barack Obama, makes his first presidential visit to Sub-Saharan Africa when he travels to Ghana, West Africa on July 10 and 11. President Obama will hold bilateral talks with host President John Atta Mills and will address Ghana’s parliament where he will deliver a major speech on Democracy and Food Security. 

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Inauguration and March for Life Expected to Fill Washington January 16th, 2009

Washington will host millions starting this weekend, with the historic inauguration of Barack Obama, 44th president of the United States on Tuesday, January 20th. This will be followed by the 2009 March for Life on Thursday, January 22. An inter-faith National Prayer Service is scheduled for Wednesday at the National Cathedral in Washington. The event is invitation-only.

The inauguration is expected to draw a record-setting crowd of between 1.5 and 3 million people. The theme of the inauguration is “A New Birth of Freedom,” commemorating the 200th anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. President Obama will be sworn in using the Lincoln Bible.
The March for Life is an annual protest of the Roe vs. Wade decision legalizing abortion which was handed down on January 22, 1974. A large group connected with the Oblates is coming to Washington for the March and will be staying at the Oblate national headquarters during their stay. The March begins at noon on the National Mall at 4th Street and processes to the Supreme Court to the north of the Capital building. More information on the event is available at the website of the March for Life Organization and Defense Fund.

If you are coming to Washington, be prepared for frigid weather. Need information on what is happening during the inaugural weekend and when? Check the Washington Post’s Inauguration Central.

The US Capitol Visitor Center has now opened – following six years of major construction. The sweeping entrance to the underground facility is on the east side of the Capitol building and hosts exhibition rooms as well as a restaurant and gift shops.

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