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Oblate to attend 2010 International AIDS Conference July 14th, 2010

aids_bannerThe XVIII International AIDS Conference is taking place in Vienna from July 18-23, 2010 . The Conference is a major gathering of those working in the field of HIV, government leaders, persons living with HIV and other individuals committed to ending the AIDS pandemic. It is convened by the International AIDS Society (IAS), in partnership with government, scientific and civil society partners in Austria, as well as international partners from civil society and the United Nations. It is a chance to assess the current state of affairs, evaluate recent scientific developments and lessons learnt, and collectively chart a course forward.

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New OMI JPIC Immigration Resource Available April 22nd, 2010

OMI IMMIGRATION REFORM JPIC Brochure _7_The OMI JPIC Office has launched a new resource on immigration. The 11 page booklet contains educational and advocacy tips about issues related to needed immigration reform. Now that health care is finally off the Congressional legislative agenda, representatives may be able to take up this pressing issue.

The booklet, “Oblate JPIC Immigration Resource: Immigration is Matter of Faith” is designed to offer insights useful in discussing immigration reform and exploring possibilities for solidarity with immigrants. Contents include:

  • Faith communities concern for migrants; Questions for Reflections; Catholic Social Teaching on Migration
  • Why Comprehensive Immigration is good; Current Immigration legislation in Congress.
  • Principles for humane immigration policies and reasonable border control
  • Talking Points on immigration and ways to express solidarity with Immigrants
  • Quotes by Oblates reflecting about migration

Download the immigration resource here. (Download PDF)

Updates will be made as an immigration reform bill nears the congressional floor for debate.

Religious Proposal on Swaps Disclosure Gets Attention April 6th, 2010

article_derivativesGoldman Sachs Group Inc. and JPMorgan Chase & Co. aren’t doing “God’s work” when it comes to derivatives, according to investor groups of nuns and priests. The investors were referring to a remark made last November by Goldman Sachs Chief Executive Officer Lloyd Blankfein’s who said he was a banker doing “God’s work”

“The use of these instruments, if they’re not disclosed by the dealers and the information made available, by their very nature can contribute to systemic risk,” said Father Seamus Finn, a director with the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate in Washington, D.C., one of the co-sponsors of the resolutions.

Shareholders will vote starting this month on proposals sponsored by the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth and 14 other religious organizations, asking Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, Citigroup Inc. and Bank of America Corp. to give more information on the collateral used in their derivatives trading.

It’s the first time the four banks, among the largest U.S. swaps dealers, will put to a nonbinding vote a call to explain how collateral of derivatives customers is used and to keep it from other accounts. Congress is considering bills that would require more derivatives deals be processed through clearinghouses, privately owned third parties that guarantee transactions and keep track of collateral and margin.

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, in February and March decisions, backed the religious groups’ bid to put the proposal up for a vote by shareholders of JPMorgan, Bank of America and Citigroup. New York-based Goldman Sachs, the most profitable firm in Wall Street history, agreed separately to add the resolution to its proxy statement.

Articles on this proposal appeared late last week in Bloomberg and Bloomberg Business Week. Read the full story here…

Faith Groups Join March for Immigration Reform March 23rd, 2010

Oblate JPIC at Imigration Rally 3-21-10

Fr. Fernando Velazquez OMI from Houston and George K. Ngolwe, Oblate JPIC staff, march for immigration reform

On Sunday, March 22, over 200,000 people from around the country rallied on the National Mall in Washington, D.C to pressure the United State Congress and President Obama to work to reform the broken immigration system. The faith community was joined by tens of thousands of people from civil rights, immigrant, family and labor groups.

The March for America targeted the Democratic majority in Congress and the Obama Administration with a simple message saying that comprehensive immigration reform needs to be a priority now. “If it is not, don’t count on us  to turn out for the November 2010 congressional elections,” warned the activists.

Fr. Fernando, OMICardinal Roger Mahony of the Los Angeles Archdiocese told the crowd that the Catholic Church stands with immigrants and is in this fight until the end. Cardinal Mahony denounced the continuing immigration raids and decried the fact that children continue to be separated from their parents. He said the rally would force leaders in Congress to hear the stories of immigrants’ daily struggles.

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Broad Coalition Asks Senate for Climate Change Legislation March 19th, 2010

CO2The Missionary Oblates JPIC Office joined184 businesses and organizations, and 77 individual activists, calling on the Senate to legislate action to curb global warming. The letter, which was sent to all members of the Senate, argues that “greenhouse gas emissions can be cut swiftly and in an economically and environmentally sound way by means of a national emissions cap that is realized through a combination of aggressive energy efficiency and renewable energy standards.”

The organizations noted that “by focusing on this three-pronged strategy (i.e., carbon cap + efficiency + renewables), it may prove unnecessary – for the moment at least – to tackle either of the two most controversial options for addressing climate change: creating a “trading system” for emissions credits or imposing carbon taxes.”

The letter also stressed that “climate legislation that promotes continued or expanded use of fossil fuels and/or nuclear power, or which rolls back existing environmental safeguards, could result in a bill that might actually be worse than no bill at all.”

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