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Faith-based and Nongovernmental Groups Condemn Coup in Honduras; Express Concern for Human Rights Situation July 1st, 2009
Faith-based, human rights, and activist groups in the United States joined in condemning the coup carried out June 28th against José Manuel Zelaya Rosales, the elected President of Honduras.
President Zelaya was forcibly removed from his home by the military and put on a plane to Costa Rica. The coup took place on the very day that a controversial non-binding referendum about the Honduran constitution had been scheduled.
Read full text of the June 30 letter (Download PDF)
Learn more: Read “Behind the Honduran Coup”
Oblates Join Religious Coalition Calling for Investigation by US DOJ into use of Torture June 10th, 2009
The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate’s Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation office has joined the Torture Abolition Survivors Support Coalition and more than 180 other organizations in calling on Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate and prosecute members of the Bush administration for violations of US and International law pertaining to torture.
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Demand for a Globally Negotiated and Increased SDR Funding Without Conditionalities June 3rd, 2009
Stop increased funding to the IMF which only makes it a stronger enforcer of developed country restrictions through conditionalities.
NGOs Oppose Nearly 100-Billion-Dollar Pledge to IMF
WASHINGTON, May 31 (IPS) – A broad coalition of civil society groups, as well as some U.S. lawmakers, are fighting what they call a “blank cheque” from the U.S. to expand funding for the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
On May 22, the Senate passed a 91.3 billion-dollar-wartime spending bill that included 108 billion dollars for the Washington-based Fund. The bill will now have to be reconciled in a conference committee between the Senate and the House of Representatives whose own version omitted any IMF funding. The funding was the U.S. part of a larger package agreed by the G20 leaders at their April meeting in London, where they pledged to provide 1.1 trillion dollars in additional funding to the IMF.
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Sri Lanka: Repeated Shelling of Hospitals Evidence of War Crimes May 11th, 2009
With 30 attacks reported on medical facilities since December, Human Right Watch warns that commanders responsible for such attacks may be prosecuted for war crimes.
The Sri Lankan armed forces have repeatedly struck hospitals in the northern Vanni region in indiscriminate artillery and aerial attacks according to the respected international human right monitoring organization.
One of the deadliest of these attacks on medical facilities took place on May 2, when artillery shells struck Mullaivaikal hospital in the government-declared “no-fire zone,” killing 68 persons and wounding 87.
Government medical personnel in the war zone carefully report the GPS coordinates to the government in a vain effort to protect the facilities in the intense bombardment of the crowded area. An estimated 100,000 civilians are trapped between the two armies, unable to escape the fighting.
“Hospitals are supposed to be sanctuaries from shelling, not targets,” said Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “While doctors and nurses struggle to save lives in overcrowded and under-equipped facilities, Sri Lankan army attacks have hit one hospital after another.”
The Oblate JPIC office has joined Human Rights Watch in criticizing both the Sri Lankan armed forces and the separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) for numerous violations of the laws of war during the recent fighting.
Read the full report from HR Watch.
The Spring 2009 issue of JPIC Report now available March 18th, 2009
The Spring issue of JPIC Report is now available, with hyperlinks to email addresses and websites mentioned in the text. (Download PDF)
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