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US Airways Combats Child Sex Tourism March 4th, 2009

ICCR members thanked US Airways for its effort to inform passengers of the evil of child sex tourism in an advertisement in a recent issue of US Airways Magazine. At the recent III World Congress Against Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents held in Rio de Janeiro, Nov. 25-28, 2008, Queen Silvia of Sweden stated that “Business executives have to play an active role; the society will not support companies that are indifferent to social problems.” The queen urged “transport, internet, travel and tourism sectors to deepen their commitment within their productive chains to fight child and adolescent sexual tourism world-wide.”

The Oblates are actively engaged in work to combat human trafficking through ICCR, and were a signatory to the letter.

Download PDF of the letter

“Philippines: Mining or Food?” – Report launched in London February 23rd, 2009

“Focus on rice production and not on mining” says new report on mining in the Philippines
Right Hon Clare Short; Clive Wicks; Robert Goodland; Bishop John Arnold auxiliary in the Catholic Diocese of Westminster; Anglican Bishop Michael Doe General Secretary of Anglicans in World Mission

L to R: Right Hon Clare Short; Clive Wicks; Robert Goodland; Bishop John Arnold auxiliary in the Catholic Diocese of Westminster; Anglican Bishop Michael Doe General Secretary of Anglicans in World Mission

Church opposition in the Philippines to destructive mining on its islands was supported by Church leaders in Britain on 9 February at the launch of a new report at Westminster titled, Philippines: Mining or Food? It was commissioned by the UK-based Working Group on Mining in the Philippines, which is chaired by Clare Short MP and involves Columban Faith and Justice, the Ecumenical Council for Corporate Responsibility, and Philippine Indigenous Peoples Links. The Oblate JPIC Office is preparing a US launch in the coming weeks.

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Support Legislation to Remove Travel Restrictions to Cuba February 10th, 2009

The Oblate JPIC Office joins the US Catholic Conference of Bishops in supporting recently introduced legislation that would allow travel between the United States and Cuba.

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TAKE ACTION: Prevent the derailment of Obama’s economic recovery plan! February 1st, 2009

The Senate will vote on President Obama’s economic recovery bill soon. An organized campaign is trying to stop it. Your call can make a difference!

Our nation needs a strong and fair recovery plan. President Obama’s plan creates jobs and responds to the urgent and basic human needs of the nation’s poor and working families. It needs your support now!

Call your U.S. senators toll-free today.Tell them:

  • To vote for the economic recovery bill without delay.
  • To oppose efforts to include a flawed anti-immigrant measure called “E-Verify.”

Call toll-free* at 1-800-473-6711. Click here for your senators’ name or direct line if toll-free number is busy.

The Senate’s plan does what economists urge. It jumpstarts the economy by increasing food stamp and jobless benefits that people spend quickly. It prevents cuts in crucial state services. It invests in schools and energy efficiency.

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