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Oblates Join Broad Coalition in support of Massachusetts Congo Conflict Mineral Bill December 7th, 2011

The Missionary Oblate JPIC has joined a broad coalition supporting the Massachusetts Congo Conflict Minerals bill. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts introduced a bill that could make a significant difference in the lives of the people in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

State Representative Martin J. Walsh (D) introduced the bill titled “An Act Relative to Congo Conflict Minerals”, (HD 04065). If passed, the Massachusetts Congo conflict minerals law would prohibit the Commonwealth of Massachusetts from contracting with companies that do not comply with federal regulations for the certification of minerals originating in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Oblate Priest wins journalism award in the Philippines December 6th, 2011

Fr. Eduardo Vasquez, OMI (Photo credit: UCANews)

Father Eduardo Vasquez, OMI has been recognized by the US Embassy for his video documentary work. He was awarded the Ninoy and Cory Aquino Fellowship for Professional Development for his outstanding work in journalism. President Benigno Aquino presented the award at a ceremony in Makati City.

The US embassy instituted the fellowship in 1988 to commemorate Benigno (Ninoy) Aquino Jr’s accomplishments in journalism and public service, and to honor former president Corazon (Cory) Aquino’s contributions in strengthening the country’s democratic institutions. They were the parents of the current president.

Being recognized as a fellow also involves participation in a US exchange program — the International Visitor Leadership Program — which promotes international understanding through the exchange of information and ideas between people of the US and other countries.

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Zambian Oblate Bishop calls for Development in Western Zambia December 6th, 2011

Zambia’s Mongu Diocese Bishop Evan Chinyemba has called upon newly elected members of parliament (MP) from the area to respond to the challenges facing ordinary people. The Bishop outlined the development issues facing people, which include the need to build better schools, improve road infrastructure, rebuild health services and establish a safe water delivery system.

Bishop Chinyemba also addressed the issue of foreign investments. In these projects, local people have neither been consulted nor have they benefitted. He highlighted the need to review investments involved in cutting indigenous trees for export. Bishop Chinyemba also called for the urgent review of an investment agreement between the government Commission and private equity partners involved in managing the national park located near the Oblate parish of Kalabo.


Faith-Based Investors Call on Pharmaceutical Companies to Join the Medicines Patent Pool November 30th, 2011

In honor of World AIDS Day and the United Nation’s theme, “Getting to Zero”, members of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) reiterate their endorsement of the Medicines Patent Pool (MPP) created by UNITAID, and call upon pharmaceutical companies to share their licenses for life-savings AIDS medicines.

“The ‘Getting to Zero’ theme has three main goals,” said Christina Herman of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate: “Zero new infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths: The MPP is an effective and powerful strategy against all three. As investors in pharmaceutical companies who view access to medicines as a fundamental human right, we strongly encourage participation.”

Read the ICCR Press Release on the UNITAID Patent Pool…


A Visit to Mongu, Zambia November 29th, 2011

Early November, JPIC Office colleague Kate Walsh, who works with the TRI-State Coalition for Responsible Investment (CRI) in New Jersey, visited Oblates working in Zambia. She writes about her reflection on the trip and experience in Zambia:

Two weeks ago, I traveled to Zambia to speak at conference co-sponsored by Catholic Relief Services and CAFOD on Extractives in Southern African. My task was to speak about ICCR’s work and run a session on Shareholder Advocacy. However, I had a few days to explore the region, visit, before the conference began.

That first weekend, I went to Mongu in the Western Region. This is the poorest region of the country. After a 7-hour bus ride from the capital, I arrived and went to visit the Diocese of Mongu Development Centre (DMDC).

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