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Fr. Louis Studer, OMI, Former U.S. Provincial Named President of Oblate School of Theology January 5th, 2024

- View the full press release
- Visit Oblate School of Theology’s website & learn more about Fr. Louis Studer, OMI
Fr. Séamus Finn, OMI Offers Peace Prayer at Interfaith Gathering June 23rd, 2022
Out of shared concern for the trauma and sorrow wrought by war, Religions for Peace and UNIAPAC came together to promote multireligious collaboration in service of humanity, hosting an Interfaith Prayer for World Peace on Tuesday, June 22. Fr. Séamus Finn, OMI, invited to offer a prayer of intercession, prayed the Peace Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi.
In the face of violent conflict and self-serving avarice, Religions for Peace and UNIAPAC are advocating for an alternative paradigm, human fraternity. They recognize that all are called to protect our brothers and sisters in humanity, irrespective of our differences in faith, and work together to cultivate peace and shared flourishment through dialogue and cooperation.
As people around the globe suffer from wars, deprivation and ecological precarity, they are calling on faith leaders of the world’s religious and spiritual communities to come together to pray for peace.
The International Christian Union of Business Executives or UNIAPAC is an ecumenical organization for Christian businesspeople.
Fr. Séamus Finn, OMI Interviewed by Berkley Center, Georgetown University June 20th, 2022
Background: Investment policies and priorities for faith communities have come to the fore in recent years, working alongside wider socially responsible investment policies and involving active efforts to shape directions for private sector impact. Fr. Séamus has played active roles in initiatives within his order (Oblates of Mary Immaculate), the Catholic Church, and faith communities broadly. He spoke to a group of Georgetown University students and other colleagues on April 27, presenting his work and exploring underlying issues related to investment policies and action to shape them.
Fr. Séamus brings a long history of active efforts to shape faith consistent investment policies and practice. As director of the Oblates’ United States Province Office of Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation, he coordinates their advocacy work on behalf of marginalized peoples and communities living in poverty; the priorities are “accompanying those in need” and “being present where decisions affecting the lives and the futures of the poor are made”, in both the public arena and the private sector.
He served as chair of the Interfaith Center for Corporate Responsibility’s board of directors for 5 years and is the Director of Faith Consistent Investing for the Oblate International Pastoral Investment Trust. The latter includes an active shareholder investment program both for the U.S. province and for the congregation, and a presence at different legislative arenas and at international institutions like the World Bank, IMF and the UN. He serves on the boards of several organizations focused on justice priorities in the public policy arena.
Read the full interview:
Laudato Si Put Into Action at Sacred Heart Parish August 31st, 2020
We join the global ecumenical family in prayer and action for the Season of Creation which begins on September 1. We are also inspired by Fr. Jack Lau, OMI’s efforts to turn Pope Francis’ Laudato Si message into concrete action at Sacred Heart Parish, Oakland, CA.
Years ago gardens were built for St. Martin’s de Porres School (now a Mandarin immersion charter school). But the gardens were recently abandoned and when the school switched to virtual learning earlier this year, Fr. Jack, with help from a parishioner, got to work reviving the gardens.

Fr. Jack recently completed training to become a Laudato Si Animator and with proper care and attention, the garden is already producing a bounty of vegetables.
Although churches remain closed in the California Bay area, Sacred Heart Parish hosts Sunday zoom Masses and drive-thru communion.
Immediately after Mass and drive-thru communion, fresh vegetables from the now flourishing gardens are available for parishioners who may have been laid off or otherwise in need. As a multicultural parish, some parishioners have enjoyed touring the gardens just to remind themselves of gardening back in the Philippines, Vietnam or Nigeria.
This past Sunday, Fr. Jack as usual picked what vegetables were ready to share with the parish after Mass and before drive through communion. Parishioners then brought in vegetables from their own gardens, day old bread and fruit for sharing as well. A beautiful synergy is taking place!
Like many of us, throughout the month of September Sacred Heart Parish joins in acknowledging and celebrating “the Season of Creation.”
From September 1 to October 4, participate with Christians around the world in a celebration of restoration and hope to heal our relationships with creation and with each other. Learn about and participate in events by visiting this link:
Daily Reflections for Advent by Fr. Ron Rolheiser, OMI December 16th, 2019
These audio Advent Reflections run between 2 and 3 minutes each
Click On Any Date to Hear That Day’s Reflection
December 1, 2019 December 2, 2019
December 3, 2019 December 4, 2019 December 5, 2019
December 6, 2019 December 7, 2019 December 8, 2019
December 9, 2019 December 10, 2019 December 11, 2019
December 12, 2019 December 13, 2019 December 14, 2019
December 15, 2019 December 16, 2019 December 17, 2019
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December 24, 2019