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Fr. Ali C. Nnaemeka, OMI, Reports on Development and Peace Assembly Hosted by Caritas Canada May 9th, 2016

From April 22-24, 2016 I participated in the Regional Assembly of Development and Peace, Caritas Canada, of the Dioceses of Quebec and New-Brunswick. This year’s Regional Assembly took place at Pavillon André-Coindre, Campus Notre-Dame-de-Roy, Quebec. I attended the Assembly as an observer of the Diocese of Baie-Comeau, Northern Coast of Quebec, Canada.

The Assembly, entitled «Let us Create a Climate of Change.», was organized around the upcoming 50th anniversary of Development and Peace, Caritas Canada. The yearlong jubilee celebration will culminate next year. Attending the Assembly were over a hundred people from the Provinces of Quebec and New Brunswick and other francophone areas of Canada.

Fr. Ali (left) with diocesan officials.

Fr. Ali (left) with diocesan officials

The first day was instrumental. Through the testimony of two Bolivian attendees, members of Ceprosi (Centro de Promocion de Salud integral), we heard firsthand the works of Development and Peace, Caritas Canada and its foreign partners. And also, through remarks made by Quebec theologian Jacques Racine, and guided by the writings of the fathers of the Church, the documents of Vatican Councils II and other ecclesiastic writings, we were able to retrace the development of the social doctrines of the Church.

Finally, during this Regional Assembly, I was opportune to meet with men and women of good will who sacrifice everything possible to ensure that the Canadian Church, in spite of dwindling number of its members, does not stop helping our brothers and sisters of the Southern Hemisphere. Many other issues were also addressed, like environmental justice, creation of a humanitarian culture among youth, valuing and promoting the role of women in the church and the society, issues concerning the First Nations of Canada and ways in which religious congregations can collaborate with Development and Peace in the celebration of her 50th anniversary in 2017.

Fr. Ali C. NNAEMEKA, OMI, is a Nigerian Oblate from the Province of Cameroon, working in Northern Canada.

200th Anniversary Message From U.S. Provincial, Fr. William Antone, OMI January 27th, 2016

January 25, 2016     The Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle
                                       200th Anniversary of the founding of the
                                      Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate


Dear Brother Oblates and Friends,

We celebrate with gratitude our 200th Anniversary and we look forward with hope and deep faith to a new century as a Congregation at the service of the poor.

Read the full letter here.





Oblate featured on International Business News Channel January 11th, 2016

Seamus P. FinnFr. Seamus Finn, OMI discusses a proposal that calls for a greater level of transparency and shareholder participation with Viacom…

Read the full article.






JPIC attends Congress on the Oblate Charism in Context. July 2nd, 2015


Oblate Director Fr. Antonio Ponce OMI participated in the conference on Oblate Charism in Context in San Antonio, Texas where he presented to the global Oblate audience on the topic, “The charism in North America in the context of JPIC.” Also in attendance were other members of the Oblate JPIC committee; Fr. Jim Brobst OMI presented on “Arts in the Oblate call, ministry and evangelization.”

Other topics presented included topics on young Oblate life missionary, immigration, and ministry among indigenous people, ecumenism, inter-religious dialogue, vocations and urban parish ministry.

The three-day conference June 30 – July 3 took place at the same time in all the Regions of the Oblate Congregation, through internet (video Conferencing application) in eight places namely: San Antonio (USA); Mexico City (Mexico); Rome (Italy); Obra (Poland); Kinshasa (D.R. Congo); Johannesburg (South Africa); Colombo (Sri Lanka); and Manila (Philippines).

The primary objectives of the Congress on the Oblate Charism in Context was to listen on opportunities and challenges to the Oblate charism as it is being lived in different contexts, become more aware of the richness of Oblate life, ministry and explore the sense of belonging to one apostolic Oblate body. It was also an occasion to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Oblate founding.

In addition to the richness of the presentations at the confernce, this online global gathering for Oblates reveal how today’s interactive technology can enhance our Oblate ministry, collaboration, animation and governance. At the JPIC office,we have as a priority make use today’s technology and  social media to support  our JPIC ministry outreach.

Learn more information about Congress on the Oblate Charism in Context here.

Bring Back Our Girls! May 13th, 2014

Nigerian Oblate Father Ali Nnaemeka Cornelius, OMI writes about the plight of the abducted schoolgirls in Nigeria, prays for the return of the abducted girls and urges for more actions to free them. In the article Fr. Cornelius says, “There are therefore certain reasons that brought us to where we are today. What the world maybe has not known before is that Boko Haram has been causing much other serious havoc in Nigeria over the years. The only problem is that for many reasons we have been dying in silence.”

Read the article at the weekly blog publication of the US Missionary Oblates JPIC office



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