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Gary Huelsmann Awarded Liberty Bell Award May 5th, 2015

Gary Huelsmann with his two daughters, Mariah and Chloe

Gary Huelsmann with his two daughters, Mariah and Chloe, at the Awards ceremony.

Congratulations are in order for Gary Huelsmann, long-time friend of the Oblates, and Chair of the OMI USA JPIC Committee. The Madison County Bar Association honored him last week by with their annual Liberty Bell Award. The Liberty Bell Award was established more than 40 years ago to acknowledge outstanding community service. Each group presenting the award is free to establish its own criteria. Many groups present it to a layperson, a man or woman who has promoted better understanding of the rule of law, encouraged greater respect for law and the courts, stimulated a sense of civic responsibility, or contributed to good government in the community. It is often presented to an individual lawyer or judge or to an entire community organization.

Gary is the CEO at Caritas Family Solutions, a faith-inspired social services agency devoted to the care and treatment of individuals and families, accessed through a network of regional offices, that is committed to promoting a just and caring community in the southern Illinois region.

New Videos Showcase JPIC Work Among Oblates and Affiliates December 2nd, 2010

The Oblate JPIC Office is now creating videos to showcase work in the Oblate world on Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation. The first is with Canadian Oblate priest, Fr. Renaud, OMI of St. Paul University, Ottawa, Canada on the JPIC Formation of university students.

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