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Spiritual Grounding for Economics April 1st, 2012

Father Marcelo Barros, OSB

We would like to share a very interesting article on economics (translated from the Portugese) by Father Marcelo Barros, OSB, Brazilian writer and theologian. The article examines the concept of a spiritual economy and the importance of linking human needs and aspirations with the basic rationale of any economy:

“As in all fields of life and human activity, spirituality must give a soul to the economy. Without the spirit, the economy lets itself dominate the market as an idol. And money transforms itself into a fetish. The market, that in itself is a human institution of interchange and of relations between persons and between groups, has become an absolute and disconnected from the rest. To such a point that we could denounce with Jesus: “the market was made for human beings and not human beings for the market”. In the last decades of the twentieth century, the economy became more than ever centered in money and in capital titles, with authoritarian neoliberalism and predominance (arrogance).”

Learn more (Download PDF of the article)

Fr. Barros was ordained to the priesthood in 1969 by Dom Helder Camara , and for nearly ten years, from 1967 to 1976 , served as secretary and adviser to Dom Helder for ecumenical affairs. He is the author of at least six books, and has been an active member of the Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians (EATWOT).


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