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Missionary Oblates in Zimbabwe: “borehole for clean water” is a lifeline delivered. July 14th, 2015


Fr. Charles Rensburg,OMI with Bhomela community leaders in Zimbabwe

Recently, a Catholic parish of St. Mary of Sorrows in Virginia,United States donated to the local community in Bhomela in Zimbabwe. This generous gift has enabled people of Bhomela to get a borehole for clean water supply and help in development of local farming initiatives during the prolonged dry season. Bhomela community is a mission church for the Zimbabwe Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate.

“Many children suffer from water-born diseases as well as malnutrition in Bhomela area. This borehole project will go a long way in alleviating these problems and developing ‘self-help’ initiatives in solving local problems,”

says Zimbabwe Missionary Oblate, Fr. Charles Rensburg, OMI speaking on behalf of the local community.

“Words cannot begin to describe the community’s joy in having received a ‘life-line’ of water for the whole village.

 The borehole will be maintained by the local Catholic community whilst at the same time, complete access has been given to the whole village of over 3000 people.”

Nuclear Weapons Facilities are Troublingly Insecure April 13th, 2015


Hiroshima Peace Memorial, commonly called the Atomic Bomb Dome. Hundreds of thousands in Japan died as a result of the two nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Carl Kabat, OMI, one of the Ploughshares Eight, is featured in a New Yorker article on the faith-based protests against nuclear weapons that started in the 1980’s. Recent anti-nuclear weapons protests have pointed out the vulnerability of high security US nuclear facilities.

“The Y-12 National Security Complex sits in a narrow valley, surrounded by wooded hills, in the city of Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Y-12 and Oak Ridge were built secretly, within about two years, as part of the Manhattan Project, and their existence wasn’t publicly acknowledged until the end of the Second World War. … [S]ince the early nineteen-eighties a small group of peace activists, devout supporters of the Plowshares movement, have been trying to break into nuclear-weapons sites throughout the United States. They’ve almost always succeeded. Plowshares actions have not only revealed serious vulnerabilities in the security of America’s nuclear enterprise; they’ve also shed light on the inherent risks faced by every nation that possesses weapons of mass destruction. Having these weapons creates endless opportunities for theft or misuse. At the moment, the probability of terrorists staging a successful nuclear attack may be low, but the consequences would be unimaginably high. And, as Plowshares activists have demonstrated again and again, improbable things happen all the time.”

Read this fascinating and troubling article recently published in the New Yorker magazine: “Break-In at Y-12: How a handful of pacifists and nuns exposed the vulnerability of America’s nuclear-weapons sites”.


Breaking the Chains: Mass Incarceration and Systems of Exploitation April 10th, 2015

EAD-chain-cross-topperThe Ecumenical Advocacy Days Annual Conference will be held in Washington, DC from April 17-20, and will focus on the problem of mass incarceration in the United States.

The EAD Congressional Advocacy day will be on April 20th. Here is the EAD ‘ask’ of Congress:

Congressional Advocacy Day – April 20, 2015

(Click above to read the full “Ask” with talking points and background information.)

We call on Congress to reform federal criminal justice and immigrant detention policies toward the goal of ending unfair, unnecessary, costly and racially biased mass incarceration:

  • Adopt criminal justice and sentencing reform policies that incorporate an end to mandatory minimum sentencing;
  • Eliminate the detention bed quota for immigrants and implement alternatives to immigrant detention.

Our Faith Conviction

As people of faith and conscience, we call for respect to be shown all people as bearers of God’s image. Jesus tells us to act

Click here to read more »

Thousands rally for peace in southern Philippine city of Cotabato February 12th, 2015

Activists in the Philippines have urged government to pass legislation, and formalize an end to decades of war.

3-Moro-Youth-on-Peace-RallyUCA News, an independent news source on Asia, reported that around 20,000 people held a pro-peace rally in the southern Philippine city of Cotabato on Thursday. Participants were calling for for the immediate passage of legislation to formalize the peace process in Mindanao and end almost four decades of Moro rebellion. Passage of the legislation has been threatened by the death of at least 67 people, 44 of whom were police commandos, in a bungled raid against suspected terrorists in the town of Mamasapano on January 25.

In the cities of Marawi and Davao, also on the island of Mindanao, peace activists join condemning the calls for war, saying the passage of the BBL “is the only solution for lasting peace.”

“We sympathize with those who perished in Mamasapano, but we should not make it a reason to abandon the peace process, abandon the BBL, and make millions more including helpless children, orphans, women and elderly suffer from the horrors of another all-out war,” said Ustadz Mauladdin Sagapan, who led a group from the religious sector in Davao Oriental to the rally in Davao City.

Read the full story…

Pax Christi Rejects “Just War” September 10th, 2014

PopewithDoveOver many centuries, Church leaders and theologians justified the crusades, the inquisition, slavery, torture, capital punishment and war as consistent with the will of God. Only one of them retains that position in official church teaching today. Pax Christi, the peace movement of the Catholic Church believes it is time for the Catholic Church to reject “just war” as inconsistent with the teaching and example of Jesus, and to become a Just Peace Church.

“Violence and war are never the way to peace!” “War is the suicide of humanity because it kills the heart and kills love.” – Pope Francis

For more information: visit the Metro DC website of Pax Christi

The Oblate JPIC Office is a member of Pax Christi USA.



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