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Consistent Life Pro-Peace/Pro-Life Harmony Pilot Project October 23rd, 2009

dove-of-peace-printpro-life-symbolConsistent Life is trying to promote dialog among pro-life groups with materials to encourage discussion and mutual understanding.

Do you know of groups in the same campus, denomination, or community that define themselves as either pro-peace or pro-life, but might be willing to dialog with each other? Consistent Life’s emphasis on how the issues are connected and on cooperation of violence-opposing groups offers a prime opportunity to change the destructive right/left dynamics of these debates. The organization is offering a PowerPoint presentation designed for joint meetings of such groups to encourage discussion.

Consistent Life says: “Before launching this as a program, complete with a manual with good advice on what experience has shown, we need to have experience to know what experience has shown. Anyone who might like to organize a session with appropriate local peace & life groups to help us develop this program, please contact project coordinator Rachel MacNair directly at or by calling (816)753-2057, Central Time Zone.

Fr. Carl Kabat Protests Nuclear Weapons Once Again August 15th, 2009


Father Carl Kabat, OMI was whose work has been marked by anti-nuclear activism has been arrested for entering a missile silo facility in Colorado.

Priest arrested for breaching missile silo (Greeley Tribune)

Anti-nukes priest here readies for next arrest (St. Louis Post-Dispatch)

Pictures of Fr. Carl Kabat at Plowshares Witness at N-8, August 6, 2009

Statement to the Press from Fr Carl:

“The Roman Catholic Church, of which I am a priest, at the close of its Vatican Council II in 1965 condemned nuclear bombs as a crime against humanity and are to be condemned unreservedly.

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Conditions in Sri Lanka Refugee Camps Worsening July 20th, 2009

Waiting for Water at Manik Camp

Waiting for Water at Manik Camp

According to a report by the associated Press in Colombo, conditions in the refugee camps in northern Sri Lanka are seriously worsening. In a report dated Sunday July 19th, AP said “in June, chicken pox was rampant and cases of typhoid, tuberculosis, skin and respiratory infections, hepatitis A, scabies and diarrhea have begun cropping up, according to U.N. reports. More than 35 percent of children under 5 are suffering from wasting, or acute malnutrition, according to a July 3 government presentation.”

Click here to read more »

VIVAT to Promote Regional Networking in Latin America July 7th, 2009

VIVAT International will be holding a Workshop in Cochabamba, Bolivia from July 19th to the 24th for some of the eight Congregational members who work in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay. The workshop will inform participants about VIVAT: what VIVAT is, its purpose and goals, and its achievements at the United Nations.

The main aim of the workshop, however, will be to allow members of the different Congregations to get to know each other and to share information about their work. The hope is that participants will form networks for greater effectiveness and better results in their ministries locally, nationally, regionally and with the UN.

Faith-based and Nongovernmental Groups Condemn Coup in Honduras; Express Concern for Human Rights Situation July 1st, 2009

Faith-based, human rights, and activist groups in the United States joined in condemning the coup carried out June 28th against José Manuel Zelaya Rosales, the elected President of Honduras.

President Zelaya was forcibly removed from his home by the military and put on a plane to Costa Rica. The coup took place on the very day that a controversial non-binding referendum about the Honduran constitution had been scheduled.

Read full text of the June 30 letter (Download PDF)

Learn more: Read “Behind the Honduran Coup”

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