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Climate Change: A Priority for the Holy See January 24th, 2013

Since 2009, Pope Benedict XVI has explicitly supported the idea of an international treaty through the United Nations to address climate change.  The Holy Father has offered this support in his 2009 Message to the Climate Change Summit, 2010 Message to the Diplomatic Corps, and his Angelus on November 27, 2011.

For 2013, it appears that United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon will make an international agreement a top priority as well.  According to the Associated Press, one of his chief concerns in 2013 will be securing a binding international agreement to address climate change: Climate change is fast happening – much, much faster than one would have expected [. . .] Climate and ecosystems are under growing strain [. . .] I will do my best to mobilise the political will and resources so that the member states can agree to a new legally binding global agreement on climate change.

Climate Change is a priority for the U.S. President as well…

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100 Years in the Amazon Basin October 18th, 2012

Fr. Seamus Finn OMI with Fr. Roberto Carrasco Rojas OMI in Iquitos, Peru

A recent trip to the Peruvian Amazon served to remind me of the vast expanse of the region and the great diversity that lives within its boundaries. While I was ready for the heat and humidity that Iquitos is known for, I was hardly prepared for the great network of major rivers that are an essential part of transportation in the region…

Read Fr. Seamus Finn’s latest post on Huffington Post

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