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Forest Peoples Programme Newsletter Available in Three Languages July 22nd, 2011

Given the increasingly urgent threat of climate change, efforts to reduce CO2 emissions from deforestation and forest degradation have led to sustained calls by indigenous peoples and concerned NGOs that forest peoples’ rights must be secured. These programs, known as REDD, are supposed to respect human rights and ensure the effective participation of indigenous peoples and local communities. Funders are to ‘safeguard’ these principles and ensure countries observe their international obligations.

Learn more in the newsletter of the Forest Peoples Programme, available also in Spanish and French.

Puede leer nuestro boletín de noticias en español

Lisez notre e-newsletter en français

Forest Peoples Programme supports forest peoples to secure and sustainably manage their forests, lands and livelihoods.

Their strategies to achieve this include:

(a) promoting the rights and interests of forest peoples at local, national and international levels;

(b) creating space for forest peoples to have an effective voice in decision-making processes;

(c) challenging top-down policies and projects that deprive local peoples of resources;

(d) coordinating support among environmental organizations for forest peoples’ vision;

(e) supporting community-led sustainable forest management; and

(f) publicizing forest peoples’ plight through research, analysis and documentation.

For more information, visit the Forest Peoples Programme website.





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