News Archives » Social Justice
Fr Seamus Finn OMI interviewed by Bloomberg TV and New York Times, Discusses Corporate Engagements September 22nd, 2015
Fr. Seamus Finn OMI was featured on Bloomberg TV morning show discussing socially responsible engagements with Bank of America. The live interview was aired Tuesday, September 22.
The New York Times also interviewed Fr. Seamus Finn OMI about the ongoing corporate engagements with Bank of America. At the core of the discussion is the shareholder action requesting a separate role as Chairman and C.E.O. of the company. Fr. Seamus Finn, OMI is Chief of Faith Consistent Investing – OIP Investment Trust and a Consultant to the JPIC office.
Find Bloomberg TV interview & New York Times interview here.
Breaking the Chains: Mass Incarceration and Systems of Exploitation April 10th, 2015
The Ecumenical Advocacy Days Annual Conference will be held in Washington, DC from April 17-20, and will focus on the problem of mass incarceration in the United States.
The EAD Congressional Advocacy day will be on April 20th. Here is the EAD ‘ask’ of Congress:
Congressional Advocacy Day – April 20, 2015
(Click above to read the full “Ask” with talking points and background information.)
We call on Congress to reform federal criminal justice and immigrant detention policies toward the goal of ending unfair, unnecessary, costly and racially biased mass incarceration:
- Adopt criminal justice and sentencing reform policies that incorporate an end to mandatory minimum sentencing;
- Eliminate the detention bed quota for immigrants and implement alternatives to immigrant detention.
Our Faith Conviction
As people of faith and conscience, we call for respect to be shown all people as bearers of God’s image. Jesus tells us to act
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Popular Movements Meet with Pope Francis at the Vatican November 20th, 2014

Pope Francis called a meeting at the Vatican of Popular Movements in late October.
In his address, Pope Francis invited the assembly to be in solidarity with each other and the church. “Solidarity.” He said, “means much more than some acts of sporadic generosity. It is to think and to act in terms of community, of the priority of the life of all over the appropriation of goods by a few. It is also to fight against the structural causes of poverty, inequality, lack of work, land and housing, the denial of social and labor rights. It is to confront the destructive effects of the empire of money: forced displacements, painful emigrations, the traffic of persons, drugs, war, violence and all those realities that many of you differ and that we are all called to transform.”
Read an account of the session: World Meeting of Popular Movements, Oct. 2014
- Speech of Pope Francis (English, unofficial translation) Spanish
- 15-Point Declaration (English, unofficial translation) Spanish
CEO Pay Goes Through the Roof October 23rd, 2013
The Guardian newspaper in London reported, “For the first time ever, the 10 highest-paid chief executives in the US received more than $100m in compensation last year, and two took home billion-dollar paychecks, according to a leading annual survey of executive pay.”
The studied showed that the top 10 CEOs in this year’s poll took home over $4.7bn between them, and “for the first time ever, none earned less than $100m.”
“I have never seen anything like that,” said Greg Ruel, GMI’s senior research consultant and author of the report. “Usually we have a few CEOs at the $100m-plus level but never the entire top 10.”
“Father Seamus Finn, a corporate governance expert at Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, said the numbers were ‘ridiculous’.”
“It’s an amazing number. Who knows how compensation committees come up with them?”
Finn, who has campaigned against what he sees as excessive remuneration at companies including Goldman Sachs, said boards often argued that they would lose talent unless they paid top management huge sums.
“But I’ve seen no evidence of that,” he said. “These huge pay deals are seldom linked to shareholder returns.”
Nearly all the outsized gains came from stock options and other share-related compensation. The top 10 made $3.3bn in 2012 on stock option profits and the vesting of restricted stock. Cash bonuses totalled $16.2m.
See the full article at The Guardian Newspaper
Help Save SNAP/Food Stamps September 18th, 2013
4-6 Million People will go hungry if the budget for SNAP/Food Stamps is slashed
Call your Representative, toll-free: 866-456-8824* TODAY, Tuesday, September 17
The U.S. House is expected to take up a bill this week that would cut SNAP by $40 billion over ten years. Every Member of Congress needs to hear that such an extreme proposal is unacceptable. Food stamps have had bipartisan support for decades. (See Stop Playing Politics with Hunger by former Senators Bob Dole and Tom Daschle in the Los Angeles Times as an expression of that bipartisan support.) But now, extremist Members of Congress want to slash SNAP and hurt millions of children and their families, seniors, and poor adults without children.
*TODAY: Call 866-456-8824, listen to the recorded message and enter your zip code. You’ll be connected right to your Representative’s office. Let them know you’re a constituent; tell them your name and the town you are calling from. Tell them:
As your constituent, I urge you to vote against the extreme nutrition-only farm bill which would cut $40 billion from SNAP and deny assistance to 4-6 million poor people. This bill would be devastating to struggling Americans; by making more people hungry, it goes against many years of bipartisan support.
What’s bad about this bill? A few points: the bill would deny SNAP to millions of poor, jobless adults without children whose
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