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Cardinal George, OMI writes President Obama, Articulates Priorities of the Catholic Church January 23rd, 2009

Francis Cardinal George, OMI – as President of the US Catholic Conference of Bishops – has written President Obama counseling him not to “…reverse current policies against government-sponsored destruction of unbom human life”. (Download PDF of the letter)

In a second letter focusing on a broader range of issues, Cardinal George outlines the principles and priorities that guide the public policy efforts of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). In it, he outlines an agenda for dialogue and action, and expresses the desire to work together with the new Administration “…to defend human life and dignity and build a nation of greater justice and a world at peace”. The focus is on the needs of the poor, the marginalized and the unborn, and included a call for the renewal of responsible international leadership. (Download PDF of the letter)

Help the world: Work for justice January 14th, 2009

“If you want Peace, work for Justice.”
– Pope Paul VI, Jan. 1, 1972

Always, but especially now at the beginning of a new year, this is wise counsel for every member of the human family, of every religious persuasion (or none) – Peace defined broadly, i.e., not just the absence of war but the pervasive presence of justice. Justice defined broadly, i.e., the common good; that is, the situation in which everyone’s rights are respected, everyone’s responsibilities are acquitted, everyone’s needs are met, everyone’s talents can be developed along the lines of excellence.

So, do you want:

  • The common good to be the common goal of the entire human family? – Work for justice.
  • An end to war as a means of conflict resolution? – Work for justice.
  • A world free of nuclear weapons? –  Work for justice.

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