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Corporations, Taxes and Responsible Investors January 23rd, 2012

Read the latest from Fr. Seamus Finn, OMI on Huffington Post.

He highlights the responsibility of corporations that “…rely on numerous public resources and services to operate their businesses and maintain their profitability…[to] contribute their fare share to the public coffers that enable governments to develop the foundation and provide the services that corporations and all citizens count on to survive.”

He ends with a clear call: “Shareholders, and especially faith based and socially responsible investors, will need to consider how to engage companies that are identified as the most aggressive in developing legal strategies to either avoid or evade the payment of approved taxes. The use of such tools and action that are clearly designed to profit by avoiding responsibility to contribute appropriately to the revenue streams, that are essential to the fulfillment of the government’s mandate to safeguard the public welfare and protect the common good, deserves much closer evaluation and scrutiny.”

2012 promises to be an interesting year as societies across the globe struggle with financial and environmental sustainability in the context of justice.

The Story of Broke and How our Tax Dollars COULD be Used November 8th, 2011

In her latest video, Annie Leonard (creator of The Story of Stuff) looks at where our tax dollars go – and how they could be better used to build the kind of society we all want.

Watch “The Story of Broke”:

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