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Haitians Get Limited Extension of Temporary Protected Status May 23rd, 2017

Thousands of Haitians who are recipients of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) have been given a six-month extension by the Administration. The Department of Homeland Security announced on May 22 that the designation of TPS for Haitians will continue through Jan. 22, 2018. TPS for Haitians was to expire July 22, 2017. Many Faith-based organizations with missionaries in Haiti, including Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculatewill continue to encourage and pray for a longer extension of TPS for Haitians, until such a time when a sustainable national recovery has been accomplished in Haiti.  The 2010 earthquake killed thousands of people, displaced millions of citizens and left a huge devastation to the country. Adding to that challenge was a public health crisis of cholera and destruction left behind by Hurricane Matthew.

Haitian Temporary Protected Status (TPS) Extended and Redesignated May 27th, 2011

The Obama Administration has announced an 18-month extension of Temporary Protected Status for Haitians Effective July 23, 2011, this will allow TPS beneficiaries to remain in the United States through January 22, 2013.

DHS Secretary Napolitano has, in addition, re-designated Haiti for TPS, advancing the eligibility date by a year, meaning that eligible Haitians who have continuously resided in the U.S. since January 12, 2011 may also apply for TPS. This will enable thousands of post-quake arrivals, many evacuated by U.S. forces, to apply for TPS and work permits.

The Administration deserves thanks for these timely and generous decisions.

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Haitians in US Granted Temporary Protective Status January 15th, 2010

The Obama Administration late Friday afternoon announced the granting of Temporary Protective Status to undocumented Haitians currently living in the United States. This Protection is for a period of 18 months and will apply only to Haitians already in the US. The Administration had suspended deportations of Haitians immediately following the massive earthquake on Tuesday that devastated Port au Prince, the Haitian capital.

The Oblate JPIC Office welcomes this development. Thanks to everyone who responded to our Action Alert on this.

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U.S. Suspends Deportations of Undocumented Haitians Due to Earthquake January 14th, 2010

Haitian refugeesIn response to the devastating earthquake in Haiti, United States Homeland Security (DHS) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced on January 13 that it is temporarily suspending deportations of all undocumented Haitians living in the United States. There was no immediate indication that the federal government would grant Haitian nationals needed Temporary Protected Status (TPS).

Temporary protected status is a special state granted to immigrants of certain nationalities who are unable to return to their countries because of armed conflict, environmental disasters, or other extraordinary and temporary conditions, according to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Somalia refugees have been granted TPS.  Haiti clearly qualifies.

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