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40 Days For Life Concludes With Candlelight Vigil on Sunday, November 1 October 26th, 2015


A second Candlelight Vigil to mark the close of the 40 Days For Life campaign will take place in Washington, DC on November 1. 40 Days For Life is a nation wide initiative focused on renewing the Church’s commitment to the sanctity of all human life and protection of unborn babies. This year’s Candlelight Vigil coincides with All Saints’ Day.  Details on the local Washington, DC event follow.

On-site Candlelight Vigil

Sunday, November 1, 7:00 P.M.

(candles with holders, provided) 

  •  Where:               1225 4th Street, N.E., Corner of Florida Avenue, Washington, DC
  • Metro Stop:    Red Line, NoMa Gallaudet Station (Walk three blocks east to the site)                                                      
  • When:                    Sunday, November 1st, 7:00 PM


For additional information, please contact:

Diane Conocchioli, Coordinator, 40 Days for Life, Washington, DC

at or visit

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