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Faith Community Submits Recommendations on Human Trafficking to the UN Special Rapporteur April 4th, 2012

The Missionary Oblates, through VIVAT International, have supported/endorsed the Recommendations submitted by the ‘NGO Committee to Stop Trafficking In Persons’ to the ‘Special Rapporteur on Trafficking In Persons, Especially Women and Children’.

Learn more… (Download PDF of the Recommendations)

Sri Lanka Resolution Passes UN Human Rights Council March 26th, 2012

The UN Human Rights Council voted Last Thursday (March 22nd) in favor of a resolution calling on the government of Sri Lanka to end impunity for human rights abuses. Allegations of war crimes committed in the final stages of the decades-long civil conflict have dogged the government in Colombo.

The resolution calls on Sri Lanka to “credibly investigate” alleged abuses committed toward the end of the country’s bitter civil war and asks the government to explain how it addresses alleged violations of international humanitarian law, as well as how Sri Lanka would implement the recommendations of an internal inquiry into the war. It also encourages the UN human rights office to provide Sri Lanka with advice and assistance and for the government to accept the advice.

Click here to read more »

UN Report says fresh water is seriously threatened March 20th, 2012

The fourth UN World World Water Development Report says that the increase in world population and global warming, worsening floods and droughts, threaten freshwater resources if nothing is done to improve management.

With a world population exceeding seven billion people, food needs are expected to increase by 70% by 2050, with an increasing demand for animal products requiring huge amounts of water.

The paper was also alarmed by the sharp rise in transnational purchase of agricultural land, which increased from 20 million hectares in 2009 to over 70 million today. It was noted that in the agreements signed between countries, water is never explicitly mentioned.

Richard Connor, the lead author of the report emphasizes that these pressures are likely to exacerbate economic disparities between countries at the expense of the poorest. “Water is the pillar upon which the social and economic development rest.”

Learn more…


Reflections on Business and Human Rights January 1st, 2012

Read Fr. Seamus Finn’s latest Huffington Post blog on the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights recently endorsed by the UN Human Rights Council. The principles were developed to offer guidance for the implementation of the “Protect, Respect and Remedy” framework, first introduced by Special Representative John Ruggie in 2008. They provide very practical and concrete recommendations on how to operationalize the framework, which was built around the following three central pillars:

  • States have a responsibility to protect against human rights abuses by third parties, including corporations;
  • Companies have a responsibility to respect human rights;
  • Victims of human rights abuses must be free to access effective remedies.

Learn more…

Support Social Protection for All! December 15th, 2011

VIVAT members are strongly supporting the Social Protection Floor Initiative – a joint UN effort coordinated by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) and supported by numerous UN agencies, international NGOs, development banks and other development partners. The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate is a member of VIVAT.

In a world of growing inequality this floor is a necessary tool for eradicating poverty. It helps governments to build more inclusive national development plans, which put people at the center.

Please sign the petition in support of this initiative:



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