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Immigration Call-in day and November Webinars November 4th, 2013

The following is adapted from an article in the November-December 2013 issue of the Maryknoll NewsNotes, and is used with their permission.

Immigrant_signOn Wednesday, November 13, the feast of St. Frances Cabrini, an Italian immigrant who became the first canonized U.S. citizen, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is sponsoring a national call-in day to Congress. On that day, callers from the U.S. using the toll-free number (855-589-5698) will hear a short recording instructing them to give the following message to their member of Congress: “Support a path to citizenship and oppose the SAFE Act.” After the recording, callers will then be prompted to enter their zip code on their telephone keypad and will be connected directly to their representative’s D.C. office.

[The Strengthen and Fortify Enforcement (SAFE) Act, HR 2278, passed the House Judiciary Committee on June 18. Among other things, it would permit state and local law enforcement officers, untrained in federal immigration law, to issue an immigration hold and detain an individual indefinitely, resulting in prolonged detention for U.S. citizens and lawfully permanent residents. The proposed detention policy calls for an increased number of detention facilities, an increase in the population to be detained (including all individuals awaiting a decision for removal) and an increase in funding for state and local governments to detain individuals in local jails, at a total cost of nearly $1 billion per year. Provisions in the SAFE Act would criminalize religious leaders and houses of worship that provide humanitarian assistance to all persons regardless of immigration status. Section 314 of the SAFE Act would make it a crime to transport undocumented immigrants and “encourage or induce a person to reside in the United States” if that person lacks immigration status. The penalties for engaging in any of these activities are steep, ranging from three to 20 years in prison.]

The USCCB and the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC) will host a series of free webinars held the first four Fridays in November, 2-3:30 pm Eastern/11 am-12:30 pm Pacific.

These webinars are for immigrant and social justice advocates, legal service providers, faith leaders, community organizers, and others working with and on behalf of immigrants and will address the following important issues:

The first webinar was on November 1: Comprehensive immigration reform 2013-2014: The road forward from the Church’s perspective, Nov. 1: This webinar looked at the legislation and politics which will shape the debate on immigration reform in the House of Representatives, explaining the Church’s position on individual bills.

Recent trends in state and local immigration enforcement, Nov. 8: This webinar will provide an overview of collaboration between Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and local law enforcement agencies through the Criminal Alien Program, 287(g) Partnerships, and Secure Communities as well as the use of ICE detainers to identify potentially deportable individuals in state or local custody.

Immigration detention: Perspectives from D.C. and the field, Nov. 15: This webinar will address immigration detention, including the federal mandate requiring the detention of certain immigrants, the recent rise of immigration detention, and alternatives to detention. Additionally, the panel will include local perspectives on the effects of detention facilities on communities and how local stakeholders can help combat this national phenomenon.

State and local immigration laws: Recap of 2013 and outlook for 2014, Nov. 22: This webinar will review some of the anti-immigrant and pro-immigrant laws passed by states in 2013 on topics including state-issued identification and driver’s licenses, refugee resettlement, immigration enforcement, and access to higher education. Panelists will also address the state-level immigration policy outlook for 2014.

“U.S. Poverty and Our Catholic Response” – Webinar on September 19 September 12th, 2013

07Is poverty on the rise in our country? How are children, the elderly, and other vulnerable groups faring? Policy experts with the Domestic Social Development office of the U.S. Catholic Bishops are broadcasting a webinar to explore recent poverty data and what it means for national and local advocacy efforts.

This free webinar is set for Thursday, Sept. 19, from 2-3 pm (Eastern). Register for the webinar here.

2013 Labor Day Statement & Resources by U.S. Catholic Bishops August 20th, 2013

Screen-Shot-2013-07-01-at-7.09.45-PM-620x412Every human being enjoys a basic right to be respected, not because of any title, position, prestige, or accomplishment but first of all because we are created in the image and likeness of God. From an ethical and moral perspective we embrace the exhortation of St. Paul “to anticipate one another in showing honor” (Rom 12:10).

Labor Day is an opportunity to take stock of the ways workers are honored and respected. Earlier this year, Pope Francis pointed out, “Work is fundamental to the dignity of a person…. It gives one the ability to maintain oneself, one’s family, to contribute to the growth of one’s own nation.”

Unfortunately, millions of workers today are denied this honor and respect as a result of unemployment, unjust wages, abuse, and exploitation.

2013 Labor Day Statement by Bishop Stephen Blaire


Thanks to the National Catholic Rural Life Conference for this alert.


Farm Bill Action Reminder June 5th, 2013

farmbillIn conjunction with the US Catholic Bishops’ Conference, we continue to urge Congress to enact a Farm Bill that alleviates hunger, supports vibrant farms and healthy communities, and protects God’s creation.

This week, the Senate is voting on amendments and then will hold a final vote on their version of the Farm Bill. There is still time to contact your Senators and ask them to support a fair and just Farm Bill. Here is a review of some of the policies and programs that Catholic Rural Life, of which the Oblates are a member, and other faith groups are supporting in reauthorization of the Farm Bill:

Nutrition programs that alleviate hunger and malnutrition:

Click here to read more »

Support Just and Compassionate Immigration Reform May 9th, 2013

51661c14471c4.preview-620Call on Congress to Pass Just and Compassionate Immigration Reform!

Send the electronic postcard below to your U.S. Senators and Representatives and ask for passage of immigration reform legislation in the 113th Congress.

Simply click on the postcard below or this “Take Action” link to send the postcard.

Go to for more information.

Postcard to U.S. Congress, Senate

After you have sent the postcard to your Washington, DC lawmakers, forward this message to your email contacts throughout the country and urge them to send the e-card to their U.S. Senators and Representatives.  Thank you!


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