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Sri Lankan Women From The North And East Call For Real Peace, Justice And Accountability March 6th, 2012


A newly issued report from women in northern Sri Lanka highlights the need for serious reconciliation in the country. The following was issued by the North East Women’s Network as part of the International Women’s Day Campaign (March 08th 2012)



The end of the brutal 30 year old war brought with it a hope of reconciliation, peace, development and equality for all. However in the last three years the Sri Lankan States lack of commitment to these basic principles have left women in the North and East in a vulnerable position. The lack of livelihood, safety accountability and justice have left women in a state where we are yet to reap the benefits of a nation not in armed conflict.

In the last three years the security of women has deteriorated in several aspects. Women have found themselves in a position of having to take care of the economic and social wellbeing of their family single handedly while ensuring her and her families safety and security.

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