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United Nations Opportunities November 4th, 2013

united-nations-headquarters_smThrough the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate and the VIVAT International NGO Office, persons in our network are able to participate in major UN meetings in New York City. There is no fee to attend these sessions, but participants are responsible for their own transportation and room and board. If you are interested in attending a major UN meeting in New York in 2014, contact Daniel LeBlanc OMI as soon as possible at

February 11 – 21, 2014: 52nd Commission on Social Development (CSocD 52)

Theme: Promoting empowerment of people in achieving poverty eradication, social integration and full employment and decent work for all.

March 10 – 21, 2014: 58th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW 58)

Theme: Challenges and achievements in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals for women and girls. 

May 12 – 23, 2014: 13th Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII 13)

Theme: Principles of good governance consistent with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. 

Action Through Words

Helpful Resource: Action Through Words

Action through Words is an online study course that helps users deepen their knowledge of the history and workings of the United Nations while expanding their knowledge of the English language and communication skills. This program is designed for anyone wanting to explore the work of the UN, especially those working where access to formal language training is limited. Go to:


Access to Water and Sanitation Needs to be Prioritized February 26th, 2013

The United Nations and its partners today called on the international community to prioritize ensuring access to water and sanitation to vulnerable populations in the ‘post-2015’ development agenda, stressing this would help combat inequality and promote human rights and sustainability.

Following the Rio + 20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in June 2012, the United Nations started an open consultation process to identify priorities from citizens around the world for the post-2015 development agenda, as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) reach their target date in 2015.

Water was chosen as one of the 11 thematic areas in the global consultation process. Given the importance of water, especially due to the fact that water underpins most of the other MDGs and any future goals, it is deemed critical that there be an insightful and informative debate on the role of water in the post-2015 development agenda.

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Global Report on Trafficking in Persons February 20th, 2013

VIVAT International in New York has shared with us the Global Report on Trafficking in Persons issued by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODOC).

Did you know that of all persons trafficked, 76% are women and girls? 27% of those trafficked are children (of which 2/3 are girls).

Read the report here


Prayer Resources for International Women’s Day: March 8 February 20th, 2013

A promise is a promise:

Time for action to end violence against women

Prayer/Reflection Resources are available to help commemorate International Women’s Day. (Download PDF)

OMI UN Update – February and March 2013 February 20th, 2013

The United Nations Commission on Social Development recently concluded its 10 day session in a call to give the poorest and most vulnerable populations the tools they need to lift themselves out of poverty

According to Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s latest report on promoting people’s empowerment, nearly 80% of the world’s population is without adequate access to social protection, leaving those feeling powerless to improve their position.  The report also states that while more than 600 million people have overcome poverty since 1990, 1 billion people are still struggling to reach that goal by 2015.  Globally 200 million people were unemployed at the end of 2011, an increase of 27 million jobless persons since 2007 and 621 million young people are neither in employment, school or training nor looking for work.

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