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Sri Lankan Women From The North And East Call For Real Peace, Justice And Accountability March 6th, 2012


A newly issued report from women in northern Sri Lanka highlights the need for serious reconciliation in the country. The following was issued by the North East Women’s Network as part of the International Women’s Day Campaign (March 08th 2012)



The end of the brutal 30 year old war brought with it a hope of reconciliation, peace, development and equality for all. However in the last three years the Sri Lankan States lack of commitment to these basic principles have left women in the North and East in a vulnerable position. The lack of livelihood, safety accountability and justice have left women in a state where we are yet to reap the benefits of a nation not in armed conflict.

In the last three years the security of women has deteriorated in several aspects. Women have found themselves in a position of having to take care of the economic and social wellbeing of their family single handedly while ensuring her and her families safety and security.

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Sri Lanka: Women’s Insecurity in the North and East December 20th, 2011

The International Crisis Group has issued a new report that looks at the serious lack of security for women in the north and east of the country in the aftermath of the long civil war.

Sri Lanka: Women’s Insecurity in the North and East warns that the heavily militarized and centralized control of those areas – with almost exclusively male, Sinhalese security forces – creates serious problems for women’s safety, sense of security and ability to access assistance. According to the report, they have little control over their lives and no reliable institutions to which to turn. The ICG is concerned that the Sri Lankan government has mostly dismissed women’s security issues and exacerbated fears, while the international community has failed to appreciate and respond effectively to the challenges they face.

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Ecumenical Advocacy Days 2011 February 15th, 2011

Come to Ecumenical Advocacy Days, March 25-28, 2011, in Washington, DC. During these days filled with worship and dialogue, we will be inspired and equipped to speak boldly on behalf of people-centered sustainable development and economic justice, physical safety, security and peacemaking, with a particular focus on those most impacted – women, girls and families…

In homes and communities, out in fields and marketplaces, along borders and in areas of conflict — violence, poverty, and other social evils disproportionately affect women and girls keeping them from attaining their full potential and impacting the wholeness and vibrancy of the full community.

Prepare now to hear from internationally known policy experts, stimulating theologians and inspiring preachers — along with Administration officials, Congressional aides and advocacy specialists.

REGISTER NOW for “Development, Security and Economic Justice: What’s Gender Got to Do with It?”

Ecumenical Advocacy Days

c/o Church World Service

110 Maryland Ave, NE Suite 404

Washington, DC 20002


Phone: (202) 997-8024 (Phone service provided by Presbyterian Office of Public Witness)

What’s Happening at the UN? February 18th, 2010

RTEmagicC_UN_all_43rd_Session_UN_Commission.jpgCommission on Social Development

The 48th Session of the Commission for Social Development met at UN HQ in New York February 3-12. The theme was “Social Integration,” taking into account its relationship with poverty eradication, full employment and decent work for all. Learn more about the CSD…

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