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World Youth Parliament June 23rd, 2010

WYP 2010: Towards a Magna Carta of Values for a New Civilization will be held in New York City, August 9-16, 2010. This is a forum where young people (ages 17-30) will commit themselves to explore the foundations of a new society. Participants will propose guidelines which, with effort and some sacrifice, will signal serious change and a way of life leading to a more just society. Accommodations will be at St. John’s University dormitories. For more information go to: WYP.IDENTEYOUTH.US

To give a flavor of the event, these questions were asked on the website:

  • Did you ever wanted to change the world but never knew how?
  • Everyone speaks of freedom, but is freedom simply to do what one wants?
  • Most young people are pursing academic degrees but did you ever ask yourself what is the purpose of education?
  • Did you ever ask what is justice or why do we punish people?
  • With the current economic crises in mind, did you ever reflect on our society’s ideas and views on work, economy, wealth, etc.?
  • And, most importantly, did you ever ask, “Who am I as a person and a human being? What is the foundation of my dignity, rights, and duties?”

If you have ever reflected on these question or would like to do so, then the WYP is for YOU!

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