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Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Promises New Immigration Bill in 2010

April 12th, 2010

DSC_7184-1Congress is back to work in Washington D.C. after the Easter recess, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has promised new legislation on immigration reform in 2010. Senator Reid, facing a tough re-election campaign, appeared elated by the crowd of thousands rallying for immigration reform in downtown Las Vegas last Saturday, and said he would start work on a new immigration bill when lawmakers returned from the Easter recess. “We are going to pass comprehensive immigration reform,” Reid told the crowd. “We need to do this this year. We can’t let excuses like a Supreme Court nomination get in the way.” Reid promised the legislation would include provisions to secure the north and south borders, revisions to a guest worker program, and provisions to deal with illegal immigrants already in the country.” As momentum to introduce a senate version immigration reform overhaul continues, it is important to know where your Senator and Representative stand on Immigration Reform….

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