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Oblates Join Caravan for Peace Gatherings

September 12th, 2012

The Caravan for Peace in Washington, DC

The Caravan for Peace with Justice and Dignity led by renowned Mexican poet Javier Sicilia formed an historic caravan across the United States that traveled from San Diego, California, to Washington D.C. The Caravan stopped in San Antonio on August 24th,.where Oblate representatives showed their solidarity with the effort. Oblate priests Seamus Finn and Rufus Whitley joined the Caravan of Peace gathering at Freedom Plaza in downtown Washington, DC on Sept 10th.

Javier Sicilia, who lost his son in drug related violence in 2011, has joined with other families who have lost loved ones to violence in Mexico to advocate for a stop to the bloodshed in Mexico and for new government policies and reforms in both countries to combat the violence. The caravan recognizes five interrelated areas: drug war policies, arms trafficking, money laundering, US foreign aid policy, and immigration.

About 70,000 people have died in Mexico’s drug war since 2006 and as many as 10,000 disappeared. Families of victims from Mexico have shared their stories in order to highlight the human costs of the war on drugs. Sicilia and others talked about policy changes in both countries that can reduce the violence.

During August, the Caravan for Peace with Justice and Dignity traveled 6,000 miles across the United States calling for the U.S. to do its part to stop violence in Mexico. From Los Angeles to Chicago, Houston to Cleveland, the caravaneros reached 25 cities – demanding an end to the failed drug war. Learn about the disappeared…

READ MORE about Javier Sicilia and the caravan for peace here:

Fr. Seamus Finn, OMI joins the Caravan for Peace

Some of those 'disappeared' in the Drug Wars

Fr. Rufus Whitley, OMI supporting the Caravan

































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