Lenten Resources on Immigration
February 12th, 2013
As we begin our Lenten journey of prayer, reflection and fasting, we hope these Lenten resources related to immigrants will be useful. Suggestions for Homilists: The Lenten Season and Lenten Resolutions on Behalf of Immigrants can be found on the USCCB Justice for Immigrants website. These offer materials that the Oblate community and parishes, and other supporters of immigrants, may use in advocating for and educating others on comprehensive immigration reform.
2013 is a very important year to push for the passing of immigration reform and it is absolutely critical that your Senators and Representatives hear from you.
Additionally, you can send a Justice for Immigrants e-post card to Congress by clicking on this link: www.capwiz.com/justiceforimmigrants/issues/alert/?alertid=62312721&type=CO
Posted in: Action Alert, Global, Homepage News, Human Dignity, Issues, Members, News, North America, Resources
Related keywords: immigration, prayer resources, Resources