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Death Penalty Abolished in Maryland

May 10th, 2013

On May 2, Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley signed a law repealing the state’s death penalty. Supporters of the death penalty have announced they will try to to petition for a referendum to re-instate the penalty. Death penalty opponents are gearing up for a campaign supporting the repeal should the needed signatures force a referendum.

In its press release hailing the repeal, the Maryland Catholic Conference stated, “The Catholic Church teaches that a consistent ethic of life demands respect for the dignity of every human life, including those of criminals on death row.”
159 Vickie

One of those who devoted much effort to the repeal effort was Vicki Schieber (pictured) of the Catholic Mobilizing Network to End the Use of the Death Penalty, who spoke at a workshop during the Consistent Life 25th Anniversary Conference on her experience as a mother of a murder victim.

For more information please visit the  Consistent Life web page

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