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U.S. Civil Society Organizations Support Bilateral Ceasefire in Colombia

June 24th, 2016

After half a century of brutal war, the Colombian government and FARC guerrillas have reached an agreement for a bilateral ceasefire, holding out the promise that a final peace agreement is near.

Missionary Oblates JPIC joins other groups in welcoming this historic step forward. At the same time, there are tremendous challenges ahead, including to launch successful negotiations with the last remaining major guerrilla group, the ELN; and to dismantle the paramilitary successor groups that continue intimidating and harming communities throughout Colombia. And the major challenge will be to build peace from the ground up, ensuring that the victims of violence have real access to truth, justice, reparations and the guarantee that the violent past will not return.

As Colombia moves towards a negotiated settlement, we urge the international community to support efforts to build a just and lasting peace.

Read the full public statement here.




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