Mystical Body Holding All
February 5th, 2024
By Sr. Maxine Pohlman, SSND, Director, La Vista Ecological Learning Center
Who doesn’t love a foggy day when Earth is wrapped in mystery? In late January a dense fog unfolded during the night and filled sinkholes, ravines, woods, meadows and gardens, creating mystical views. The synchronicity of this fog with a reflection I had been pondering was a delightful surprise.
In her article “Mission: An EverEvolving Vortex of Love”, Sister Mary Ellen Higgins, IHM, deepened my appreciation of the Mystical Body, so I was primed to experience it in a broadened sense. My walk at La Vista that day became a mystical hike in the mystical body of Earth.
I was moved by her words, “Once we come to experience that vast spacious field of Love that is always available to us and for us within Holy Mystery, we come to realize our small yet unique place within the immense Mystical Body that holds All”. Her concluding thoughts are so motivating, “This lifelong mission echoes across the arc of our lives. It is an everevolving process of becoming a full participant in the living, loving, Mystical Body which encompasses all of creation.”
Gratefully the fog lasted for several days, allowing ample time to relish it as well as my place in the Holy Mystery that is the Mystical Body holding all.
Sister Mary Ellen’s reflection was published in:
The Occasional Papers, a journal of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious.
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