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Prayer for Our Earth

January 6th, 2009

This prayer and meditation was developed for the Fourth Annual Global Day of Climate Action (December 6, 2008), but may be used anytime a meditation for the Earth is desired.

Brief introduction followed by lighting a candle, the offering of incense or other ritual or song.

Building a Silence Together as an inner readiness for listening and responding. (3 minutes or so)

Reading:Is. 40 vs. 3-5 or alternate as follows
Reading: Is. 40 vs. 3-5 (as understood by Estelle)

Go up on a high mountain, Herald of good news
Cry out at the top of your voice.
When the Lord prepares the desert,
Makes a straight highway in the wasteland;
Fills very valley, makes them fruitful;
When mountains and hills are shelters
and not boundaries that divide;
When rugged lands are grass filled pastures,
And rough, eroded country sides blossom
like plains of rich soil,
Then the glory of the Lord shall be revealed,
All humankind shall see it together.
The mouth of the Lord has spoken.
Go up on a high mountain, Herald of good news
Cry out at the top of your voice. Here is your God.

All: Creation is a universe in the making, evolving into fullness, even now, in the hand of God. Each living species, part of the whole, one strand in earth’s interconnected web of life. What a fullness of life, what a many splendored feast you create, O God.

Reader: “We experience nature as revelation of God’s presence and action… Earth is the fascinating and awe-inspiring manifestation of the Divine presence as creator of life, sustainer, nurturer and wellspring of healing energies.”

All: Widen the tents of our hearts to welcome this fullness. Open the eyes of our understanding, to imagine ways to share our planet home with all these fine creatures, to make room for all, now and into our future.

Reader: God, Hear the cry of the Earth. It is also our cry. It is the cry of the poor. Help us to be a healing presence within it. Increase the number of people who hear and respond with actions that bring healing and wholeness. O God, do not delay.

All: Give us – nations, communities and individuals – the wisdom to respect the nature of our planet, to love her beauty and to choose to live within her in ways that sustain, and nurture the secret of life she holds.

Building our Hope-filled Prayers:

We prepare with music and silence to share reflections and prayers. When all has been said we pray together.

“Blessed Are We” by Eunice C., MMS

All: Blessed are we, who have touched the mystery of God in the sacredness of all creation.
In gratitude we stand before creation, the table where all life is nurtured.

You have blessed us with the desire to deepen our consciousness of earth, to make healing of earth a way of life. With thanksgiving, we honor the integrity of life.
We reverence the sacrament of Earth and the communion of all life.
O Holy One we sing your praise. O Holy One we bow before your beauty in the Earth.
Blessed be God whose love has ignited our longing to make a difference in the world.
As we have prayed so may it be for us and for the whole Earth. Amen.

Song: Close with a suitable song.

Posted in: Ecology, Issues, Members, News, Resources

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