Europeans Call for a Moral Economic System
January 22nd, 2009
Non Governmental Organizations meeting in Paris issued a declaration on the financial crisis that those working with the poor will find very useful. It is a concise and clear call for engagement in the forthcoming debate on the financial system, its purpose and governance.
Paris Declaration (PDF available in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian)
European leaders have stressed the need for Europe to play a significant role in the G20 Summit scheduled for April in London. There, the group of leading and emerging countries will hammer out ways of reinforcing the architecture of global regulation. Speaking at a conference in Paris on the future of capitalism, the leaders of the EU’s powerhouse member states agreed on the need to make long-term changes to the old financial order, which Sarkozy said had been “perverted” by an “amoral” form of unbridled finance capitalism.
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Related keywords: financial crisis, regulation