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2021 Advent is Here!

November 29th, 2021

(Photo courtesy of Monicore, Pixabay)

This Advent join in prayer with us as we give attention to caring for Earth, our common home; empowering our youth to serve; the plight of migrants and refugees; and protecting the gift of human life.
A big thank you to our Missionary Oblates and JPIC Committee members for developing these reflections. A SPECIAL thank you also to Lester Antonio Zapata for providing Spanish translation.
Nov. 28 Week 1: Called to Care for Creation, contributed by: Sr. Maxine Pohlman, SSND, Director, Oblate Ecological Initiative.
Semana de Adviento 1: Llamados a cuidar, Haga clic aquí para descargar la versión en español

Dec. 4 WEEK 2:  Click link to download They Give All They Have: Young Adults Called to Serve, contributed  by: Fr. Ray Cook, OMI

Semana de Adviento 2: Ellos dan todo lo que tienen: los jóvenes adultos son llamados a servir, contribuido por: Fr. Ray Cook, OMI

Dec. 12 WEEK 3: Click link to download: Called to Welcome Immigrants, Welcoming Hope, contributed  by: Dr. Victor Carmona, University of San Diego

Semana de Adviento 3: Acogiendo a los Inmigrantes, Acogiendo la Esperanza

Dec. 19 WEEK 4: Click link to download: Called to Celebrate and Protect Life, contributed by: JPIC Staff & Collaborators

Semana de Adviento 4: Haga clic aquí para descargar la versión en español: Llamados a celebrar y proteger la vida


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