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US JPIC Committee, Oblate Students Attend JPIC, VIVAT and AFJN Meetings in Washington

April 22nd, 2010

102_0267The US JPIC Committee and the JPIC staff met in Washington, DC from April 14 through the 15th to discuss the JPIC policies and priorities.

Nearly all of the Committee members were able to stay to attend JPIC April 2010 010a meeting on Friday  and Saturday that introduced VIVAT International to North American members of the association. VIVAT is an advocacy effort at the United Nations. The Oblates are presently Associate JPIC April 2010 029Members , with Daniel LeBlanc, OMI working closely with the group.

Several Oblate students from Zambia then arrived on Friday for the weekend meeting of the Africa Faith and Justice Oblate group headed for VIVAT meeting 4-10Network.

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