The Oblates celebrated the 50th anniversary of their presence in Peru in 2007. Founded by Oblates from St. Peter’s province in Canada, the work of the congregation in Peru includes diverse ministries from urban parish settings to remote jungle areas. The oblates have an active presence in Iquitos, Aucayacu, Huanuco; Carabaillo; Comas; Orcotuna, Huancayo; Mito, Huancayo; Junín; Pueblo Nuevo, Chincha, Ica.
Oblate work continues to be guided by a commitment to solidarity with the poor. Addressing social and economic structures that affect the lives of the poor is thus a priority. Many economic ‘development’ initiatives, particularly in the mining sector, have a destructive impact on the environment and consequently on local communities.
- Radio Amistad, Aucayacu Huanacu (Programación Satelital y via internet)
- Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA)
- LatinAmerica Press
- Noticias Aliadas