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Missionary Oblates join faith groups to take action to end long-standing embargo on Cuba March 16th, 2016

Missionary Oblates joined diverse faith organizations in issuing a joint statement urging Congress to take action to bring an end to the Cuba embargo. 

The faith leaders statement reads;

“We have listened to the call of our partner faith communities in Cuba, with whom we have worked for many years on humanitarian issues, on disaster response, and in sister church relationships. Uniformly and consistently, they have told us that the embargo brings no benefits to the faith community in Cuba. In fact, it makes life more difficult for church members and the Cuban people more broadly. They would like a full normal relationship, in which they can visit and learn from us, and we can visit and learn from them. They recognize that our two governments have differences, and issues that must be resolved; they are eager to see those issues discussed in the context of normal, respectful relations.”

The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate are present in Cuba and just among a handful of Catholic missionaries allowed to do church work. With improved relations between the United States and Cuba, Oblates are hopeful that pastoral ministry to the Cuban people will increase in the near future.

2016 Lenten Reflection on Peace – Week V (Spanish version available!) March 14th, 2016



Our faith calls us to pray, fast, and give to charity during Lent. As we look inward and reflect on our own lives, let us also remember our struggling brothers and sisters around the world and even people right in our backyards. To help support your Lenten devotion, Missionary Oblates JPIC is pleased to offer weekly resources centered on a justice theme.

New this week – Download Spanish version of the Week V Peace Lenten Resource! 

Week V — We end with a reflection on peace and  a very familiar bible passage: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14:27, New International VersionPlease feel free to share this resource with your congregations, communities and use during your own prayer time.  Download the resource here.

New this week – Download Spanish version of the Week IV Consistent Life Lenten Resource! 

WEEK IV — Consistent life is about right to life but also quality of life. Our challenge is to view all life as sacred and honor all people. Please feel free to share this resource with your congregations, communities and use during your own prayer time. Download the resource here.

WEEK III — The environment/climate change is this week’s focus. 2015 was the year for global action on the environment with several significant happenings, including the release of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si: On Care for our Common Home, and huge rallies for the environment held around the world.  Download the resource here.

WEEK II — This second week we focus on the global occurrence of modern day slavery, also known as human trafficking. An estimated 30 million people worldwide are trafficked at any given time. Please feel free to share this resource with your congregations, communities and use during your prayer time. Download the resource here.

WEEK I — This week’s focus is migration, a pressing global issue that affects us all. Please feel free to share this resource with your congregations, communities and use during your  prayer time. Download the resource here.

Missionary Oblates JPIC Join Civil Society Groups in Reaction to Death Of Honduran Activist Berta Cáceres March 11th, 2016

Missionary Oblates JPIC  joined several hundred civil society groups in an  open letter to Secretary of State John Kerry regarding the Murder of Honduran Indigenous and Environmental Activist Berta Cáceres. Berta Cáceres, winner of the 2015 Goldman Environmental Prize, and a visionary indigenous and environmental rights leader. She championed efforts to protect indigenous peoples from large-scale development projects that are being advanced in Honduras without consultation of communities and without concern for the environment. She was killed on March 3, 2016 by armed men who broke into her home in La Esperanza, department of Intibucá, Honduras. 

Over 200 organizations signed on to a letter urging Secretary of State Kerry to support an independent international investigation led by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights into Ms. Cáceres’ murder and to urge that the Honduran government invite and fully cooperate with such an investigation. 

Read the civil society letter.


Congratulations to Mary O’Herron for 33 Years of Service to the Oblates March 8th, 2016


From left to right: George Ngolwe, Meghan Gieske, Mary O’Herron, Fr. Antonio Ponce, OMI, Rowena Gono

On March 2, the Provincial Fr. Bill Antone, OMI, all U.S. Province Administration employees and 391 Oblates joined JPIC staff for a farewell party to celebrate the retirement, stewardship and commitment of  Mrs. Mary O’Herron to the Missionary Oblates JPIC office. Mary’s work and contributions to the Oblates will always be valued and remembered. Her dedication to the Oblates JPIC ministry is worthy of admiration.  

An appreciation booklet with personal message from current and former colleagues was presented to Mary for her 33 years of faithful service to the Oblates.  

Our prayers and best wishes to Mary.



Left: Mary O’Herron, Right: Fr. Charles Hurkes, OMI






2016 Lenten Reflection on Consistent Life – Week IV (Spanish version available!) March 7th, 2016



Our faith calls us to pray, fast, and give to charity during Lent. As we look inward and reflect on our own lives, let us also remember our struggling brothers and sisters around the world and even people right in our backyards. To help support your Lenten devotion, Missionary Oblates JPIC is pleased to offer weekly resources centered on a justice theme.

New this week – Download Spanish version of the Week IV Consistent Life Lenten Resource! 

WEEK IV — Consistent life is about right to life but also quality of life. Our challenge is to view all life as sacred and honor all people. Please feel free to share this resource with your congregations, communities and use during your own prayer time. Download the resource here.

WEEK III — The environment/climate change is this week’s focus. 2015 was the year for global action on the environment with several significant happenings, including the release of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si: On Care for our Common Home, and huge rallies for the environment held around the world.  Download the resource here.

WEEK II — This second week we focus on the global occurrence of modern day slavery, also known as human trafficking. An estimated 30 million people worldwide are trafficked at any given time. Please feel free to share this resource with your congregations, communities and use during your prayer time. Download the resource here.

WEEK I — This week’s focus is migration, a pressing global issue that affects us all. Please feel free to share this resource with your congregations, communities and use during your  prayer time. Download the resource here.

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