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Stop Trafficking! – December Issue December 16th, 2013

masthead-blankRead the latest issue of Stop Trafficking!, the Anti-Human Trafficking Newsletter to promote Awareness, Advocacy and Action. This issue includes the latest report from Polaris Project, information on webcam child sex tourism, serious concerns about the UN report on human trafficking, and raises awareness around boys being trafficked for sexual exploitation.

Older issues and handouts on specific subjects are also available here…

Stop Trafficking! is made possible through 
the supportive sponsorship of national and international congregations of women religious and their partners.





Liturgical Resources for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe – December 12 December 6th, 2013

12_12_guadalupeDecember 12 is the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, also called the Patroness of the Americas. Catholics are invited to celebrate this feast and use it as an opportunity to pray, reflect and advocate for comprehensive immigration reform. Resources for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe are available here… 






Save Honeybees Now! December 3rd, 2013

OMI Justice, Peace, & Integrity of Creation Effort

Please help to protect our pollinators – urge US EPA to take action: Visit to sign the petition to EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy.


The Missionary Oblates joined 70 other organizations in encouraging the U.S. EPA to join with 15 other countries in imposing an immediate moratorium on the use of neonicotinoids.Learn more and take action…



Pope Francis to launch “Food for All” campaign November 20th, 2013

On December 10, Pope Francis will launch a worldwide movement to respond to the needs of the poor and vulnerable by acting to end hunger. Access to adequate and nutritious food is a global problem of immense proportions, even for families in the U.S.

At noon local time, a global wave of prayer will begin in Tonga and will progress around the world until it reaches American Samoa some 24 hours and more than 164 countries later.

Please join Catholic Charities USA, Catholic Relief Services, and the network of Caritas Internationalis agencies providing relief to people suffering from hunger around the globe in participating in the wave of prayer. This is the beginning of a much larger campaign to combat hunger.

In addition, please check out the faith-based resource on poverty and hunger available from Catholic Rural Life, called Food Security and Economic Justice.



Launch of Fast4Families: A Call for Immigration Reform and Citizenship November 12th, 2013

10257779164_6939baf884_bOn Tuesday, November 12, faith, labor leaders and immigrant right organization launched Fast4Families to put pressure on the leadership in the House of Representatives to bring to the floor for a vote on bipartisan comprehensive immigration bill this year.

In Washington, DC the fast will run from November 12 to December 12 at the “fasting tent” on the National Mall. The fast will be in conjunction with dozens of local and solidarity fasts, events, and actions already underway in key congressional districts across the country.

If you can’t make it to DC, you are invited to stand in solidarity to fast and pray for comprehensive immigration reform. Let us know what day (November 12 to December 12) you will be fasting for comprehensive immigration reform.

More information on fast prayer samples, declaration and Fast4Families events within your state visit:


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