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Zambian Oblates hold Justice and Peace Workshop June 5th, 2013


Fr. Kennedy Katongo OMI (far left) with Oblate Pre-novices

From February 4th to 8th 2013, a workshop on the spirituality of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation was held for Oblate pre-novices at the Oblate Formation House in Lusaka, Zambia.

Fr. Kennedy Katongo OMI, Director of the Oblate’s Justice and Peace Office in Zambia, convened the workshop. Fr. Katongo shared on the importance of preaching and living the Gospel. He called for JPIC awareness for global positive happenings and challenges facing the world today. ‘Positive happenings’ include industrialization, multiculturalism and intercultural dialogue, development of human rights, transportation and communication. Some of the challenges that require immediate actions include global warming, poverty violence and human rights abuses.

In the workshop closing remarks, the Oblate students were urged to live justly, promote peace and uphold the integrity of creation. Justice and peace work is a call to identify and respond to injustices in society. For Missionary Oblates, the scriptures, Catholic Social Teaching, and Oblate principles provide a background for how we need to respond.

This article first appeared in the OMI Zambia Delegation Newsletter for March 2013 and was written by Oblate Students Chikweto Chungu, Godwin Wali and Ackim Phiri, Lusaka, Zambia.

Investors Support Conflict Mineral Rule June 3rd, 2013

fivestepprocess copyThe Missionary Oblates JPIC office has joined other investors in supporting a U.S. law aimed at preventing trade in conflict minerals from the Democratic Republic of Congo. The investors statement supporting the final rule by the SEC on Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank legislation says, “Given that the long standing conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has claimed more than five million lives and contributed to egregious human rights abuses such as rape, child soldiers, and slave labor, we believe companies must disclose their use of conflict minerals.”

Some manufacturers and business associations have sued the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on the Section 1502 rule.

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Learn about Oblate JPIC Work in Zambia! April 30th, 2013

Fr. Chibesa Chishimba, OMI recently visited the JPIC office in Washington DC where he talked about JPIC work in Lukulu, Zambia. Fr. Chibesa is the priest in charge of Sancta Maria Catholic Church in Lukulu. In this video interview, he talks about their work to support children into schools, promote tree planting and advocate for better public services.


UN Survey for Post 2015 Agenda March 5th, 2013

image_largeThe United Nations is conducting a global survey asking you to choose your priorities for a better world. Our VIVAT International is a partner in this endeavor, and has asked us to make this available to you. our readers. Results of the survey will be shared with world leaders in setting the next global development agenda. Please go to this link for the survey tool:

You can choose your own language. Contact the VIVAT staff if you have any question, problem or difficulty in accomplishing the survey. Thanks!

Important Anti-Trafficking Legislation Passed March 3rd, 2013

Last Thursday, Congress passed the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA), as part of the Violence Against Women Act. President Obama is expected to sign this legislation soon. The TVPRA is a critically important tool for protecting human trafficking survivors and stopping the perpetrators of violence, exploitation and enslavement. The bill authorizes millions of dollars for human trafficking services and programs and encourages distribution of the National Human Trafficking Hotline by federal agencies.

In addition, Governor Matt Mead of Wyoming last week signed his state’s first law that outlaws human trafficking, making Wyoming the 50th state to make human trafficking a crime. Wyoming’s laws now offer some of the strongest legal protections and support for survivors of human trafficking in the country.

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