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News from the UN March 1st, 2010

united-nationsFollow-up on Copenhagen Accord on Climate Change

The United Nations has set-up a High-Level Panel to implement a key component of the Copenhagen Accord to promote climate mitigation and adaptation financing in developing countries.

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Upcoming JPIC Events – Spring of 2010 February 25th, 2010

March 19-22, 2010: Ecumenical Advocacy Days – “A Place to Call Home: Immigrants, Refugees, and Displaced Peoples,” Location: Washington, D.C.

March 21, 2010 Rally for Immigration Reform – MARCH FOR AMERICA on the National Mall in Washington D.C. “The time to fix the Broken Immigration System is now!”

April 14-15, 2010: Missionary Oblates US Province JPIC committee meeting in Washington D.C.   (More information in the Members section of the website)

April 15 -17, 2010: VIVAT INTERNATIONAL conference for religious Congregations working at the UN; location: Washington, D.C

April 17 – 19, 2010: AFJN Conference & Lobby day – Arlington, VA. Justice in Africa: On Whose Terms? Keynote Speaker: Fr. Peter Henriot, S.J. (Zambia)

June 21-25, 2010: Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) Annual Meeting in Detroit, Michigan.

US Prelate Highlights Church’s Opposition to Nuclear Weapons February 18th, 2010

nukebombArchbishop Edwin O’Brien, a member of the U.S. Bishops’ Conference Committee on International Justice and Peace, reiterated the church’s opposition to nuclear weapons in an address to the Global Zero summit in Paris earlier this month. The gathering brought together 200 international leaders to develop strategies to eliminate nuclear weapons.

The archbishop underlined the Church’s moral teaching on nuclear weapons, based on its commitment to protect human life. Drawing on the principles of just war teaching, Archbishop O’Brien stated, “Nuclear war-fighting is rejected in Church teaching because it cannot ensure noncombatant immunity and the likely destruction and lingering radiation would violate the principle of proportionality.”

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Action Alert: Carbon Fast and More… February 12th, 2010

February Action Alert

image007A ‘Lent Carbon Fast’ calendar is available from the Environmental Outreach Committee of the Archdiocese of Washington. Please consider using the Lent Carbon Fast Calendar as part of your Lenten discipline.

spread_the_word_smTake Action: Demand Financial Transparency – Tell the G20 to Create Financial Transparency and staunch the flow of capital out of poor countries.

Lenten Carbon Fast 2010 February 10th, 2010

image007“The environment is God’s gift to everyone, and in our use of it we have a responsibility towards the poor, towards future generations and towards humanity as a whole.” — Pope Benedict, Encyclical Caritas in Veritate

A Lenten Carbon Fast calendar is available from the Environmental Outreach Committee of the Archdiocese of Washington. Please use it as part of your Lenten discipline.

The calendar says: “As Catholic Christians we have a responsibility to be wise stewards of God’s Creation and each of us must decide how we can improve our stewardship to safeguard God’s creation now and for future generations. The Archdiocese environmental Outreach Committee suggests the following list of 40 carbon fasting actions everyone can consider as a part of your Lenten preparation for the Easter season. Each of these actions will reduce our production of climate change pollution and help to preserve God’s great gift of Creation.”

Download a PDF of the Lenten Calendar here…

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