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Midwest Oblates join Faith-Based Community Organizing Coalition November 20th, 2014

handsThe Missionary Oblates of the Midwest Area are now official members of United Congregations of Metro East. This ecumenical faith based organization provides a cooperative forum for member congregations in promoting issues of Social Justice, and offers social organizing training on behalf of the poor. They already have been working informally with the Ecological Learning Center in Godfrey, and look forward to partnering with the Hispanic Ministry at the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows in order to have greater influence in the surrounding Latino community.

UCM was established in early 2000 with six churches. With technical assistance and training from the Gamaliel Foundation, they have grown to represent over 34 congregations with approximately 27,000 members. Member congregations represent the full range of communities in southwestern Illinois: older urban communities and new suburban areas, white, African-American and Hispanic, wealthy and impoverished.

For more information visit:

Canadian Mining Symposium a Success November 9th, 2014

IMAG0670Over a hundred and fifty people gathered on November 7th and 8th, 2014 at St. Paul’s University Campus for a symposium on mining organized by the Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation ministry of the Canadian LaCombe Province. The gathering, titled SYMPOSIUM: Mining Extraction and Justice “The Global Cry of the People”, looked at the impacts of mining on affected communities, and their response. The dialog of faith groups with mining companies was also examined. Fr. Seamus Finn, OMI from the US JPIC Office, who has actively engaged a number of multinational mining companies, moderated one of the discussion panels. The symposium featured Fr. Gustavo Gutierrez, author of A Theology of Liberation, as the Keynote speaker.

Official Program available here.


International OMI JPIC Representatives Meet in Rome November 9th, 2014

JPIC representatives from the various Oblate regions met in Rome last week to share about the work being done, and to strategize for the future. Fr. Kennedy Katongo, OMI, as the new international JPIC Director, planned and facilitated the meeting.


Kennedy Katongo, director of the General OMI JPIC Service, Kevin McLaughin, European Region, Miguel Fritz, General Councilor for Latin America and and Gilberto Pinon, 2nd Assistant, Mission Portfolio Holder




Felix Mushobozi, CPPS, Co-executive Secretary USG/UISG/JPIC Commission (Observer), Daniel LeBlanc, representing the Oblates at the United Nations
International, Miguel Pipolo, Latina America Region, Camille Piche, former director of the General JPIC Service, DIDIER Zanafradara, representing the Africa Madagascar Region and Bradly Rozairo, representing the Asia-Oceania Region

















Support Families Facing Deportation! November 6th, 2014

Justice_for_Immigrants_logo_CNA_11_8_13From November 5th through November 13th, the US Catholic Bishops are running a campaign based on the feast of St. Frances of Cabrini, the patroness of immigrants. The Bishops are urging people to call the White House to convey this message: Protect as many immigrants and their families as possible from deportation.

Learn more at: OMI USA JPIC Blog and Justice For Immigrants



Canadian Symposium on Mining and Justice in November October 24th, 2014

The Oblate JPIC initiative in Canada has organized a symposium on mining, called “The Global Cry of the People” Symposium on Mining Extraction and Justice for Friday, November 7th and Saturday November 8th, 2014. It will be held at Saint Paul’s University in Ottawa.

The symposium is designed to create a greater awareness among Canadians about the impact of mining, and will try to create a space for Church, civil society and politicians to learn and discuss the justice issues involved.

Partners in this project include: St Paul University, Canadian Mining Watch, the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace, the Halifax Initiative, Citizens for Public justice, Canadian Martyrs Parish, St Joseph’s Parish, Episcopal Commission for Justice and Peace-CCCB and KAIROS. The guest speaker will be the theologian Fr. Gustavo Gutierrez Merino, well-known as the founder of liberation theology in Latin America. The symposium will also feature presentations from experts, which will include Canadian politicians, representatives of the mining industry, and spokespersons with direct experience from mining communities in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Canada.

Information and the registration form, are now available by going to the OMI Lacombe website and selecting Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation/JPIC. There you will find all conference materials. You can also register here.

This symposium is free and open to all who might be interested, although a voluntary donation to cover costs will be accepted at the registration table.

For more information, please contact Leonardo Rego, OMI at




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