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Support Senator Rubio on Immigration Reform April 2nd, 2013

473px-Marco_Rubio,_Official_Portrait,_112th_CongressAnti-immigrant organizations are flooding U.S. Senator Marco Rubio’s office with calls, messages and faxes attacking him for his support of immigration reform.

Senator Rubio needs to hear from people throughout the country that they are looking for his leadership in the Senate on this issue and that he must continue to support immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship for the undocumented.

A recent Washington Post article reported that one group and “its members have inundated the office of Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) with 100,000 faxes.”

Call Senator Rubio’s office at 202-224-3041 or send him an email here to thank him for his outstanding work on the Gang of Eight and encourage him to continue with his immigration reform efforts.


Consistent Life: Peace & Life Connections March 29, 2013 March 29th, 2013

We reproduce the Consistent Life “Peace & Life Connections” weekly newsletter on this website. If you are interested in more information, or in subscribing to the e-newsletter directly, please visit Please note that we do not edit the content of this publication.

153 NNSAKansas City Nuclear Weapons Election

It’s crunch time for your humble editor (Rachel MacNair) working on the April 2 election in Kansas City, Missouri: Question 3 stops the city from giving any more financial incentives to the local plant for making non-nuclear parts for new “modernized” nuclear weapons.

See for more details, and be sure to tell all your friends who vote in Kansas City, Missouri – and all your friends who have friends who do – how important it is to go vote yes on Question 3 this coming Tuesday.

Click here to read more »

Regulators Warned Against Allowing Abusive Payday Lending March 22nd, 2013

numbers_payday_loansThe Oblate JPIC Office joined nearly three hundred national organizations, state and local organizations, and concerned individuals in a letter against payday lending abusers organized by the Center for Responsible Lending.

According to the letter, “Direct deposit “advance” loans offered by a handful of banks, including Wells Fargo, US Bank, Fifth Third, Regions, Bank of Oklahoma and its related banking divisions, and Guaranty Bank, are structured and function just like loans from payday loan stores – carrying a high-cost combined with a short-term balloon repayment. Research has long shown that payday loans trap borrowers in a cycle of expensive long-term debt, causing serious financial harm to borrowers, including increased likelihood of bankruptcy, paying credit card debts and other bills late, delayed medical care, and loss of basic banking privileges because of repeated overdrafts. Payday lending has a particularly adverse impact on African Americans and Latinos, as a disproportionate share of payday borrowers come from communities of color. High cost, short-term balloon repayments, and the consequent series of repeat loans, have long been identified by regulators as features of predatory lending.

Read the letter… (Download PDF)


Maryland Legislature Votes to End the Death Penalty March 15th, 2013

MDSenateBy an 82-56 margin, the Maryland House of Delegates voted Friday to ban the death penalty.

The bill now goes to Gov. Martin O’Malley’s desk. Maryland’s repeal of the death penalty today makes the state the sixth to abolish executions.

Religious communities, concerned citizens and organizations actively campaigned for an end to the death penalty in Maryland.


Pew Campaign on Human Health & Industrial Farming March 5th, 2013

banner_buttonsDoctors routinely instruct patients that antibiotics should be used only to treat bacterial infections, using the proper dosage, and for the full course of treatment. Otherwise, failure to follow these rules increases the likelihood that some of the bacteria will survive and mutate to become drug resistant.

Yet even if patients follow these medical instructions, they still may suffer from antibiotic-resistant infections. That is because many large producers of meat and poultry feed antibiotics to their healthy food animals to offset the effects of overcrowding and poor sanitation in CAFOs. Up to 70 percent of all antibiotics sold in the United States go to healthy food animals.

Visit the Pew Campaign site to learn more.

Thanks to National Catholic Rural Life Conference for this information. Get their monthly newsletter by visiting their website.

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