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U.S. Civil Society Organizations Support Bilateral Ceasefire in Colombia June 24th, 2016

After half a century of brutal war, the Colombian government and FARC guerrillas have reached an agreement for a bilateral ceasefire, holding out the promise that a final peace agreement is near.

Missionary Oblates JPIC joins other groups in welcoming this historic step forward. At the same time, there are tremendous challenges ahead, including to launch successful negotiations with the last remaining major guerrilla group, the ELN; and to dismantle the paramilitary successor groups that continue intimidating and harming communities throughout Colombia. And the major challenge will be to build peace from the ground up, ensuring that the victims of violence have real access to truth, justice, reparations and the guarantee that the violent past will not return.

As Colombia moves towards a negotiated settlement, we urge the international community to support efforts to build a just and lasting peace.

Read the full public statement here.




A Disappointing Ruling For Millions Of Immigrants June 23rd, 2016

SpremeCourtLesterBy a 4-4 split, the U.S Supreme Court has ruled against President Barack Obama’s immigration plan – Deferred Action for Parents of Americans (DAPA) and the expansion of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).

The two initiatives were announced by President Obama to provide some deportation relief and work permits to qualified undocumented immigrants. This means the decision by a lower court upholding the preliminary injunction against these immigration relief measures will stand.

“It is very sad indeed to see that this process is caught up in partisan politics and what continued inaction will mean for immigrant families,” said U.S Missionary Oblates Provincial Fr. Bill Antone, OMI. “These decisions open the door to serious injustices in which talented young immigrants who have grown up in the U.S. and their precious parents and families are torn apart by deportation simply to satisfy short-sighted political interests.”  

Missionary Oblates JPIC joins other faith communities, religious leaders and immigrant rights groups in expressing deep disappointment with this ruling. Earlier this year, diverse faith based organizations joined in filing an amicus brief with the Supreme Court in support of these two executive orders to provide deferred action for millions of undocumented families. 

The fact is DAPA and DACA would have helped millions of immigrant families to stop living with the constant threat of family deportation.

Congratulations to Bishop-Elect Valentine Kalumba, OMI – Zambia June 20th, 2016

Missionary Oblates JPIC sends congratulations and prayerful best wishes to Bishop-Elect Valentine Kalumba, OMI, who has been named Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Livingstone in Zambia by His Holiness Pope Francis.

Fr. Valentine Kalumba, OMI, was previously Vicar of the Zambian Oblates and Parish Priest at Blessed Mary Theresa in the Diocese of Kabwe. In addition, he held many pastoral assignments in the Zambia Oblate Delegation.










Bishop-Elect Valentine Kalumba always stops by the JPIC office whenever he is in Washington DC for meetings. He last visited with us in May 2016.

Best wishes to Bishop-Elect Valentine Kalumba, OMI, as he takes on his new responsibilities.




Patriarchates of Eastern Orthodoxy to Meet on Greek Island of Crete June 17th, 2016

From June 19 (the celebration of Pentecost in the Eastern Calendar) to June 27, the 14 Patriarchates of Eastern Orthodoxy, representing about 260 million Christians, will meet on the island of Crete in Greece in The Great and Holy Council of Eastern Orthodoxy. Pope Francis is sending high-level observers to Crete as a sign of respect, support and encouragement of the Orthodox Church.

Because St. Eugene de Mazenod was so devoted to the Holy Spirit, we Oblates beg our Founder to intercede with the Spirit of discernment, of joy, and of unity, to guide the members of the Great and Holy Synod.  May Eastern Orthodoxy, and all Christians radiate more effectively the mercy of the One God in three Persons, through Christ, Our Lord.  Amen.

Visit America magazine to read more about this extraordinary meeting and the difficulties being worked out.

Click here for the basic document of four statements to be discussed.

Read about Church dialogue at Ministry of Mission, Unity, Dialogue (MUD) OMI USA Province’s website.


Reflecting on the One Year Anniversary of Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home June 17th, 2016

A year ago Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate joined the world in welcoming Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si’: On Care for our Common Home. As we observe the encyclical’s one-year anniversary, we invite you to join us in reflecting on a few of the document’s themes. Please use this resource with your church groups and ministries to further conversation and share your faith. (Theme descriptions and reflection questions adapted from US Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Laudato Si resources, 2015)

Download Resource in English

Download Resource in Spanish

EXCERPT FROM LAUDATO SI (Spanish translation and photo by Bro. Lester Antonio Zapata, OMI)

Saint Francis, faithful to Scripture, invites us to see nature as a magnificent book in which God speaks to us and grants us a glimpse of his infinite beauty and goodness. “Through the greatness and the beauty of creatures one comes to know by analogy their maker” (Wis 13:5); indeed, “his eternal power and divinity have been made known through his works since the creation of the world” (Rom 1:20). Laudato Si # 12

San Francisco, fiel a la Escritura, nos propone reconocer la naturaleza como un espléndido libro en el cual Dios nos habla y nos refleja algo de su hermosura y de su bondad: «A través de la grandeza y de la belleza de las criaturas, se conoce por analogía al autor» (
Sb 13,5), y «su eterna potencia y divinidad se hacen visibles para la inteligencia a través de sus obras desde la creación del mundo» (Rm 1,20). Laudato Si # 12

Photo courtesy of Bro. Lester Antonio Zapata, OMI


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